web traffic tips : Viral Marketing,Giving Away,Yahoo! Answers,Squidoo,USFreeAds

Posted by Pungyoung Lee
1088 Pageviews

web traffic tips : Viral Marketing,Giving Away,Yahoo! Answers,Squidoo,USFreeAds


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 12
Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is not just an Internet-based concept; it applies to the real world
also. Fundamentally, viral marketing happens when someone who has used a
product speaks about it favorably to another person. If you watch a movie and
recommend it to your friend, you are virally marketing the movie. On the Internet, if
you post a favorable comment about a product or a service, you are virally marketing
it. In fact, on the Internet even if you criticize a product, you are virally marketing it.
There?s a reason behind that. Whatever your comment is, positive or negative, it does
one thing ? it increases the recall value of the product. People begin to identify the
brand better. The product becomes more searchable over the Internet. Hence, viral
marketing always works.


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 13
Giving Away

Currently, the best things to give away
include the following:-
→ eBooks
→ Newsletter Subscriptions
→ Free Offers on Products from Partner Sites
→ Informative Listings


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 14
Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com/)


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 15

Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com/)


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 17



Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 17

Craigslist (http://www.craigslist.com/)

Google Analytics (http://analytics.google.com/)


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 18

Digg (http://www.digg.com/)

Some of the best things that you can put up
on Digg include:-
→ Breaking News
→ How-to Guides
→ Informative Lists
→ Stories

→ Facts and Figures


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 19

StumbleUpon (http://www.stumbleupon.com/)


Traffic Tidal Wave Method # 20
Social Bookmarking