Fear And Greed Marketing For Newbies

Posted by Paul Hines
1060 Pageviews

This is a good one, most of the weasels will try to trigger an emotional response

from you and this is a time tested technique that works on newbies like a charm.

Once your emotions are controlled its just about a wrap, you've been sung a lullaby

and your eyes are about to glaze over. Never forget that the weasels are pros and

the most common emotional trigges they love to target is fear and greed, in a way

we all use that technique just look at the television commercials, they'll scare

you half to death if you listen long enough. I'm not saying that all businesses

that use triggers are scams I'm just saying that it becomes suspect when its

excessive. The fear response is a very powerful emotion, when you're scared you

normally make quick irrational decisions, if something scares you, you act in a way

to take away that fear. I know this is true because in another life I worked in the

Mental Health Field.


Never forget that the weasels know all this and have no problem tapping into that

fear, having trouble paying your bills? Could you be fired from your job? If you

don't join now you'll miss out forever! All this crap incites the fear emotion.

Greed is the other emotion that the weasels use to get you all worked up, we all

have greed and reading the right script or copy activates it and therefore leaving

us easy targets. I say US, I don't exempt myself from any of this just because I've

been around for a minute, I can get caught sleeping just as fast as you if I'm not

careful if I allow my ego and pride to slip into my consciousness. Remember we're

working on a Marketing mental shift so we must be ever vigilant and allow nothing

to take us off our focus if we're to be successful in our endeavors for the freedom

we seek.


Never, ever make a decision based on greed I don't care how good it sounds,

Become a Millionaire

Get Rich

Incredible Amazing Profits

Make Money Effortlessly

Quit your Job

These are all words meant to take you off your focus, the weasels can make all

these claims seem real because they're masters of illusion, you'll notice that they

will never quote a round number and the numbers they do quote can't be proven, heck

anybody can quote numbers, just think about some of the stuff you read and use your

common sense that you were born with, its not that hard. Here's the most important

part of this post so I want you to pay particular attention to my next statement.

When these two emotions are used in tanden or together you have the most powerful

one two scam punch in online marketing history, using fear and greed together is a

wet dream for the weasels. Don't even waste you time on this nonsense, after I'm

through with you and your mind has made the shift you'll be just fine and will be

able to spot the weasel tricks from a mile away.
