Make your pictures clickable in articles - updated with example

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1776 Pageviews
When you write an article at APSense, you can upload pictures from your PC.

These pics can be made clickable, instead of putting a link in a text under it.

I will show you how. First, here is a pic of an article that has a picture in it:

There are 4 steps to make a picture clickable:
  1. Put the link in your clipboard, i.e. copy it, but don't paste it
  2. Highlight the picture with your mouse
  3. Click on the "add link" icon
  4. Add the link, put a title to the page where the link will bring us
I suggest you choose "new window" so that a new tab will open in your browser when we click on the picture. That way, if readers want to check a detail in your article, they still can, since the tab is still there. At least, this technique works for FireFox and Chrome. I never use IE.

Here is a picture where I show the picture as it is highlighted, You also see where is the "add link" icon.

Below is an example of a clickable image. You'll notice I chose to open it a new tab.