Cash-Twist (One time $9 out of Pocket)

Posted by Alan Santna
744 Pageviews
Cash Twist Could Be The Fastest Moving Program You Have Ever Seen

* Low One-Time Entry Cost
* Break Even With 1 Referral
* No Admin Fees �?? Ever
* Immediate Payment
* Forced Downline Format
* Spillover & Spillunder
* Cannot Be Stalled By Non-Paying Downline

Our Unique Easy To Use System Ensures Your Success.

Your Downline is built in a Forced 5x4 Format
Tier 1: 5 members pay you $9 each = $45
Tier 2: 25 members pay you $15 each = $375
Tier 3: 125 members pay you $25 each = $3125
Tier 4: 625 members pay you $45 each = $28125

Your Total Receipts = $31670

You are never working alone.
Your Upline and Downline will be filling your Tiers for you.
Spillover will come from your Upline as they fill their Tiers.
Spillunder will come from your Downline as they Build their team.

Your progress can never be slowed down by Non-Paying members, they are held in your Downline outside of your Tiers until they pay.

Just 2 Referrals at each Level will easily fund your Upgrade to the next Level,
even after Alertpay fees have been deducted.

*** Sign Up Instructions ***

1 - Go to Cash-Twist and click on "Register"
2 - Fill up the information and make sure that Inviter / Referrer is right "strosdegoz"
3 - Log in and below Payment which is in the General Account details click on "Make Payment"
4 - There you will see 2 steps
4a - Step 1 is to make a payment through Alertpay to the email showing there, since this is
direct payment then you have to log into Alertpay click on Send Money and put the member e-mail
that is in your back-office.
4b - Step 2, put your Alertpay Transaction Reference # and click on Submit, thats it.

Note : After you receive your first two referrals you can upgrade to level 2 by following the same steps
above, also you can decide to upgrade to level 2 before getting your refs if you want to.

Cash-Twist JOIN NOW only $9

Kind Regards
Dirson E. Jimenez SANTANA (strosdegoz)
Skype : strosdegoz