What is SPAM?

Posted by Catherine White
737 Pageviews
     You could ask this question to 10 people and probably get 10 different answers.  There will always be a debate about what is spam. 

     APSense is very good about giving you the option to refuse a comment if they are commenting to receive credits.  You can, also, remove a comment from you blogs or advertising pages.  One of the reasons you can deny a comment is "advertising with or without a link".  You see you can still get an advertisement in without leaving a http url link.  For example, recently someone posted on one of my blogs something like Great information, for more great information check out my blog.  To me, this is SPAM.  It is an attempt by that person to get them to navigate away from your site to their site.  There was really no attempt to engage in the conversation.

     As I mentioned, everyone's interpretation of SPAM is different,  I reported an "advertising with or without a link" recently which really sent the person in to a frenzy.  This person sent me 2 messages telling me they had not spammed and they were very disappointed in me.  Without giving me the chance to respond, I was promptly blocked.  Unfortunate, because it wasn't her whole comment which was spam, just the last portion.  This person had engaged and then put in a plug, I will call it.

     For those of you who know me online, I try to give respectful comments while engaging in the current conversation.  I am really enjoying APSense as a community of networking individuals who I will be able to learn a lot from and hopefully help some people along the way.  If you don't want to be reported for SPAM, don't do it.  If your comment encourages the person to leave the current page and navigate elsewhere, in my opinion, this is SPAM.

     Blog posts are made for engaging a conversation with others.  Opinions are what make the world go round and how we learn from each other.  Express yourself respectfully and people will navigate to you naturally.