9 Free Usability Testing Tools to Improve Your Blog

On November 26, 2010, a blogger named satrap of Ways to Make Money Online  posted a very useful blog on my favorite blogging site, ComLuv, entitled 9 Free Usability Testing Tools to Improve Your Blog. Along with the SEO tools already available here on APSense, these should be added to your marketing arsenal to hone your skills further.


FiveSecondTest (fivesecondtest.com)
Use this tool to upload an image from your blog to find out how users react to it and what element of the image captivate them more, all in 5 seconds!

Google Website Optimizer (google.com/websiteoptimizer)
Google Website Optimizer lets you test different scenarios of the same text, images, content, headlines and etc. For example you can test to different images in a post to see which one works best and draws more attention.

Website Grader (websitegrader.com)
Website Grader helps you analyze 22 factors that lead to a successful SEO and gives you suggestions to improve them.

ClickHeat (labsmedia.com/clickheat)
It lets you see where your visitors click on your blog via a heatmap. If you use WP which I assume most of you do, you can use the WP ClickHeat Plugin to integrate ClickHeat on your blog to gather real and live data from your visitors.

SMT- Simple Mouse Tracking (smt.speedzinemedia.com)
A free tools that tracks the mouse movement and the clicks visitors make on your site.

Google Analytics (google.com/analytics)
I hope you are using Google Analytics already, if not, GA is a fantastic tool that gives you a divers set of data tracking and analysis tools. You can use it to learn so many things about the behavior of visitors on your blog including how long they stay on a specific page, which pages do they enter or exit from most, the number of pages the view on your site and etc.

Concept Feedback (conceptfeedback.com)
A great tool that enables you to get feedback from experts. You simply post your site and their experts will give you free advice and suggestions for improving your usability.

Userfly ( userfly.com)
This one is a paid tool, however, you can use it to do 10 free tests. It simply records your visitor?s mouse movements and and lets you see it in a video format.

Google Page Speed (code.google.com/speed/page-speed)
Another great free tool from Google that accurately analyzes the performance of you web pages and how fast or slow they load. And if your page is having some issues, it will give you suggestions on how to improve your load time.

Although there a lot more usability tools out there, most of them are not free and if they are, they aren?t much of a use to us bloggers. The above mentioned  tools are some of the few free tools that are actually USEFUL for bloggers. Please feel free to add to this list by leaving a comment in the comment box below, if you use or know of any other good free site usability tools.

I hope you find these tools and resources as useful as I do,


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