Book Reviews

Posted by Barbara DelGiudice
686 Pageviews
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and The Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years.  By Russ Baker

  • Paper back book only $11.00
  • A True Documentary probes not only the little known but the utterly inexplicable.
  • Simple information never before reported.
  • Baker's work is relevatory reguarding our nations government.
  • Disturbing reality revealed in fine detail.

Learn more about Family of Secrets?

If you wonder why President Barak Obama has failed to make substantive structural changes in the United States, Family of Secrets suggests an answer.

Russ Baker's master work is frightening by what it documents and demonstrates of the crude and simple tactics used by corporate and political leviathans to affect the course of American History.

Baker builds through relentless investigation a new critical analysis about our country.

Baker's case here is so convincing it makes previous versions of history and journalism look naive.

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