I have the impression that many, if not the majority, of affiliate marketers think that because they promote other people's products and programs, they don't need to build their own business, brand and alas, their own list of email subscribers.

Many marketers may disagree with me, but I regard the above as one of the most fatal business building mistakes of affiliate marketers and one of the main reasons why the vast majority fail at internet marketing.

Online marketing success does not mean you have to have your own products to market, but it does require establishing your credibility, your own brand as a marketer, sending people to your own blog, website and also your own opt-in pages. By doing this you will establish trust, people will get to know about you and on that basis also trust your recommendations and product offers, irrespective of whether the products  you market are your own or another person's.

For this reason. instead of sending people to replicated affiliate websites, promote your own blog, website and opt-in pages first, giving people the opportunity to subscribe to your blog or sign-up to your email list. Once you have people on your own list of targeted subscribers, your chances of securing sales are infinitely greater, while a visitor to a replicated sales page not belonging to you is lost to you forever, especially if that visitor did not make a purchase from the sales letter. And we all know that the conversion rate of first time visitors to a sales page is absolutely negligible.

When you offer a quality product for free on your squeeze page or opt-in page in return for people to sign up to your email list, you have a dramatically better chance of conversion, an ongoing opportunity to email your list members and ample opportunity to recommend your affiliate products to them.

I really have such a bee in my bonnet about the fruitless and wasted practice of directly promoting other people's sales pages and the disastrous implications thereof for affiliate marketers, that  I have written about it a lot and keep on alerting my fellow affiliate marketers about it. It is misguided practice for which product owners must accept blame. They want you and an army of affiliates send people to their sales pages without concern for your business and your success.

Email List Building Review Page
We Can Earn Online Blog 

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