I often get response and traffic because I use email signatures. I use it to promote my main opportunities. Since I have multiple opportunities and business I am using my APSense ABC link. I make sure to update it on a regular basis.


If I would link all my business in my signature my emails would look very spammy since I own several. Too much links in your email will also cause it to go directly to the spam folder of people. So I use the APSense signature in mails of general nature.

If I mail out about a specific service of course I use a signature related to that. I.e. when somebody inquires about graphics I would use Webmiep Graphics as a signature.

Why I use the APSense Business Center instead of the default profile link?

Because it allows html in the main about section, has a field for my own ads, a slide show, testimonials and I can list all my businesses, associates but also articles I have written. Its a business mini site basically. It is more complete than the default APSense profile.

How do you get an email signature?

It is quite easy to set up in gmail, even with a business logo if you want. But there are also free online services if you do not use gmail. 

This is something you need to set up once to get traffic on auto pilot as long as you keep your signature.

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