Making connections and branding yourself is one of the most important things.
People buy/signup from people. This is not always the best thing; you must develop skills to follow the money but this another topic.

People are following people. That is the way it is. Social networks like APSense and many others are very powerful tools to get people to follow you.

How do you get people to follow you and read your postings?

  • Upload a picture of YOUR FACE, not from your child or your pet. People like to know with whom they are dealing. Use the same picture on all networks you are  a member of.
  • Set up your profile. Tell something about yourself and your biz opps.
  • Connect and find valuable contacts. Be active. Put an effort in commenting post from other members.
  • If somebody has a question you can answer, answer it.
  • Try to help others, give and you shall receive.
  • Do your homework. Investigate programs if they are legitimate. Several social networks have groups that expose scams. Never promote any program that is questionable. If it is a scam or fraud and you promote it people won't trust you anymore when it becomes common knowledge
  • Do not spam postings with your affiliate url. It is rude and non effective.
  • Keep in touch with your downline and offer them support.
  • Explore and use all the features of a social network and use them to your advantage.
  • If you find something useful or helpful on another member say so. In Holland we have a saying; you catch more flies with sugar syrup than with vinegar.
  • Join the right network that suits your needs: to promote opportunities and resources for traffic and promotion business networks are the best option; for most others general networks or networks for a niche are better.
Try this for a while, i am sure you will be exited about the results. if you just join 4 free and do not contribute in a positive way you will not achieve anything.

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