Simple Methods For Making a Living From Home



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    • If your website traffic has suddenly come to a stand-still, you may need to give your site a marketing jump start. This is really directed towards Information Marketing (one of the best markets around) but can really be applied to anything. Here are a few ways to get your traffic flowing again.

      1.Buy hits for your website.

      Pay for targeted hits to your web site. You can do what is called "pay per click" advertising. This is where you pay search engines every tine some one clicks on your link for your web site. A great advantage to this is it almost instantly gets you visitors.

      2.You can also send out a promotional email to the opt-in email list you SHOULD be creating by offering free reports or courses to your visitors.

      3.Pay your competition a flat fee to email your promotional offer to their lists. This is a great way to build relationships with your competitors.

      4.You can do what is referred to as a Joint Venture. This is when you pay someone a commission on sales when they email your promotional offer to their email lists.

      5.You can pay for advertising on someone else's website by paying a flat fee up front to put an ad, banner or link on the site.
      6.You can pay for advertising by offering a commission to your competition or anyone on sales when they put your ad, banner or link on their site.

      7.You can submit your website to search engines with your keywords and website description.

      8.You can submit your link to other websites, and in return, add them to yours.

      9.You can write a free report or course to give away to other websites in your market and allow them to put an affiliate link inside (so they have an incentive to give it away), and give that away for free. If its good information, it will spread like a virus. This marketing concept is known as "viral marketing".

      10.If you have good material you can have a nice marketing edge because people will share the website because the enjoyed it. You can also offer affiliate programs so your customers can earn commissions when they refer some one to buy your product .

      These should give you some good ideas to get more traffic, and maybe even spark some ideas of your own!

      Best wishes,

      readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

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