Should I Do It?

Posted by Brian B.
634 Pageviews

How many times have you heard the words from your family and friends...I don't think you should do it? Or, I don't feel that you're up to it? It can most certainly strike your feelings and your self-esteem, right? Well, I'm here to say not if you let it! Stand up for yourself and do what you feel is right for you. Who knows better than you if you're ready for something or not? I've been told many times that I wasn't ready or didn't have enough to finish what I started. And yes, it hurt to hear it from those who I thought had my back. But, you know what...that was their opinion and not mines.

I can't help to wonder what I would be doing now if I had listened to them those years ago. There's not telling what I would have become! I'm glad that I stuck to my guns and did what my heart told me to...and that was work for what I wanted. And it's not that everyone who tells us that we might not make it are hating on us (some might be), but not all. Most of our friends and families really do care and just don't want to see us fail. But, guess what? It's not their's ours. how will you know if you're a failure or not if you don't even try?.....Read More