The Site of Metaphysical Sciences

Posted by Jokotry Abdul Haqq
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In this day and age of spirituality, It is becoming increasingly important for us to learn metaphysical sciences in our endeavour for health, wealth, protection and prosperity.

Mostly, the metaphysical sciences taught in this site are originally from Indonesia, while some others from other countries, such Tibet, China, and India.

Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel. You can also study metaphysical sciences taught here in person (face to face).

Lintang Kautsar - Listening to the silence

Lintang Kautsar is a science/an ?ilmu? to know human?s potentials (personal empowerment) having been existed in ourselves. The overall potentials are concluded into 2 (two) potentials---the power of physics and the power spirit---, studied and gained through the maximal utilization of the power of spirit and the power of Huruf (hijaiyah letters) and bodily ayats, where there is a code secret or blueprint in every arabic letter from every creation. Read More

Amazing Inner Power

Trishakti Inner Power does not require a long training period -- not three years, two years or even one year, but in one to two weeks with one to two hours of training every day, you can master the material and prove your skills concretely against materials as well as animals. You should also bear in mind that the Master shall also participate and awaken, activate and carry out synchronization of your inner power potential which has never been trained. Read More

Spiritual Power

Ilmu Spiritual here is the continuation program or the specialisation from Spiritual Power that was taught in Trishakti Inner Power Level Two. The analogy is, Spiritual Power or Trishakti Inner Power Level Two is a general program or a general doctor, whereas Spiritual Power that will be given here is specialisation programs. This Ilmu Spiritual is open for anyone, that will be much better if it?s studied by practitioners of Inner Power, Reiki, Pranic healing, Prima Energy, Tenaga Murni and the like. Read More

Divine Frequency Bioenergy

Etymologically, the term bio comes from the word meaning of Bios which means life. Energy means power/strength/potency. Frequency is a vibration/ an electromagnetic energy. While divine means god or deity. The life energy itself comes from Allah; even it can be considered about that its essence (the life energy) is a part of Allah himself. Because of his mercy, Allah emits his life energy to his entire creature including human being in order to be alive. Read More

Exoteric-Mystic Tibetan Energy

Diyva Tumo is a Tibetan mystical exoteric energy deriving from the Tibetan Plateau and is taken initially care of by VMG Dharmacakra Wisnumurti. This mystical exoteric Tibetan energy aims at constructing energy from inside by awakening or activating the ?sacred chandali fire?. There are six (6) levels of Divya Tumo : Sadhaka, High Sadhaka, Master Dtumo, Vajramaster Dtumo, Kalachakra, and Golden Rulai Grade/ Great Bliss. Read More

Ilmu Besi (The Science of Metal Core)

Generally speaking, this ?Ilmu Besi? is good for keeping the safety anywhere and at any time whether in the land, sea and air trips, or at home. It is also good for health especially in connecton with the physical condition. In addition, by learning this Ilmu Besi, your body immunity will be activated so that you can use it the ilmu for such self defense purposes as crippling the enemy, detecting whether or not the meal, drinking waters you going to eat or drink are in danger (poisonous) and also penetrating the arrogant person?s immunity. Read More

Asmak Malaikat (Angels Power)

Asmak Malaikat (Angels Power) consists of 5 levels. Level 1, 2 and 3 are pupil/practitioner level which may be studied by everybody without any special clauses. While, Level 4 and 5 can only be degraded to anybody assumed to be wise enough to become a Master / Teacher. Each level of Asmak Malaikat (Angels Power) has its own sentence of affirmation pertaining to the teaching and benefits of The Asmak Malaikat. An affirmation can be supposed as a key opening the door of energy. Read More

Asmak Yasin 

Asmak Yasin is a kind of program to have metaphysics power faster. Asmak Yasin aims to make your body and soul (and your family) healthy, to strengthen yourself from many dangers, and to heal yourself and other people from any illnesss (either common illness/medical or physical and also non medical or metaphysics which uses the power of the jinn, Satan, or other mystical things). Read More


Ilmu Spiritual Halilintar

Ilmu Spiritual Halilintar is the master degree of Ilmu Spiritual which is intended to be able to share and teach Ilmu Spiritual Level 1-5 upon completing the course. The secret key to performing Ilmu Spiritual?s activation is given as a legalized master of Ilmu Spiritual. If you take this course at once, then you will not only receive automatically all of the Ilmu Spiritual 1-5, but also gain the activation of Ilmu Spiritual Halilintar.

 Lintang Pamungkas

Lintang Pamungkas is a master level of Lintang Kautsar. At this level, you are given some understandings of the advanced materials of Lintang Kautsar. All secrets of the bodily verses/ayats that become the key strengths of Lintang Kautsar will be explained obviously. If you take this course at once, you will not only get all the materials of Lintang Kautsar, but also receive the initiation of the Lintang Kautsar 1-5, then given the authority to teach Lintang Kautsar Level 1-3 (Holy Head, Holy Hands and Holy Body).

 Ilmu Nur Alam Makrifat

Ilmu Nur Alam Makrifat is the mother of Ilmu (spiritual powers). You will get the Key of Ilmu Nur Alam Ma'rifat so that you can teach several ?ilmu? (spiritual modalities) such as Divine Frequency Bioenergy, Inner Power, Ilmu Besi.  In addition, you will also be authorized and taught ?Ilmu Hak Fathur Rahmah? that is a key to teach Ilmu Nur Tanah Melayu (an ?ilmu/Spiritual Exercise? to open the gates of success, open aura etc.).

 Asmak Yasin Pamungkas

This is the master degree for Asmak Yasin. By taking this course, you will be granting the right to teach and share Asmak Yasin. The secret key on how to activate the Asmak Yasin will be disclosed and the procedures of giving and receiving the activation for Asmak Yasin will be given completely.

 Laduni Hikmah Asma-9 Master 

By taking this master course of Laduni Hikmah Asma-9, you will be entitled to teach the practioner level of Laduni Hikmah Asma-9. The key to 'performing' activation for the 'ilmu' is given completely. Also, the initiation procedures (both receiving and delivering) are provided.

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jokotry abdul haqq

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