Nancy's Networking Group - working as a TEAM

Posted by Nancy Radlinger
1444 Pageviews
I have been working online for 3 years now and have lost more money than I have made - one product after another and the same thing over and over again - have you been in this boat - well someone finally sent me a life raft and I'm going to do the same for you.

You see the mistake that I have been making is trying to do this all alone and ONE person just can't do what a TEAM can do.  Now what I have done is that I have a great group of friends of mine and we have created a group on skype called Nancy's Networking Group and we are teaching, helping and learning together.

Now I know most of you think that Skype is for people to chat on the phone and that is what I thought but it is so much more - I think once you start using Skype for your IM (instant messaging), building relationships, and just making friends - you will see the benefit.   Download Skype Here

Then once you have that downloaded, look me up @ nancyradlinger and add me and let me help you by inviting you to my group and meet people just like you that are wanting to learn how to make money online.  We provide training webinars each Wednesday on subjects that will help YOU. 

Just click the link now and join me and let us help you with the baby steps that you need to get to your goal.