Picking an Affiliate Product

Posted by Michael Camire
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How do you determine the best affiliate product to promote? First you want to pick your niche, which will help you decide which products to promote.

Consider going with a topic that has a variety of affiliate products being offered. That way, if one of them doesn?t sell well, you can choose another one and try that.

Once you?ve found the right niche, you then need to determine which product you should promote. A great method for doing this would be to do a search in Google and seeing which products are being promoted via pay per click.

Look for the ones being sold by affiliates. This is very important. If it?s the product creator themselves that is promoting it, they might be making money on the back end and losing money on the front end. As an affiliate, most of the time you only get the front-end money, so the back end is meaningless.

However, if it?s the affiliate that?s promoting it, you know they are only making money on the front end. This means it must be very profitable if they are willing to pay money to advertise it.

Look for the products that come up again and again. For instance, if there is one program that is being promoted for all of the main keywords in your niche, this is a better option than something that?s there for only one.

How should you test it?

Once you?ve chosen three to five products based on the above method, you will need to see how well they convert. This will give you a good idea of their moneymaking potential.

One option is to throw up a quick pay-per-click campaign. Set a limited budget and test those three to five products on the same keywords, getting the same number of clicks to each. Then see which performs the best. This will be the one you promote.

The reality is that there?s only so much you can tell from reading the sales page. A certain product might appear to have the most convincing sales copy, but the only way you can know for sure is by testing it yourself.

Pick something you believe in.

This is obvious but worth mentioning anyway. Remember - you are probably going to be writing a review for this product and putting a lot of time into promoting it. Do you really want to put in a lot of effort selling a product you can?t get behind?

The bottom line is that testing is extremely important. This is because the best converting affiliate products are often ones you would have never guessed on your own.

Seeing what?s being promoted on pay per click is one of the top methods for getting an idea of what?s converting before actually trying it out yourself. This will help you avoid wasting a lot of time when looking for your next product to promote.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Camire

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