Well after posting those 5 APSense tips how about a bit of a break?

For those of you who know me you know I love critters.
It does not matter what they are
I love all kinds of critters.
I have a whole house full of unwanted critters.
Some were tossed out some were abused some are here because of  neglect.
They all had one thing in common...
No one wanted them till they came to live with me.

I have a blog devoted to my critters as well as others people critters.

I love critter... is is as simple as that.
I got this video from a friend of mine.
It is so adorable I had tears in my eyes when I watched it.
Even after I had watched it for the 10th time I still had to fight back the tears.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
