Want to kill your chances of succeeding on APSense before you even start?

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
2123 Pageviews
Let me say that APSense is a great place but sometimes I really wonder why people take the time to join since they have no intention of using the site.  I do get tired of the spammers.  The spam posts are bad enough but let me say this if you go to a blog or group post and have nothing to add to the conversation....just leave.

There's no excuse for anyone to check a comment on a post that they have made only to find you have come along and done nothing but post a link.  SO I have adopted the following policy you dump a link on my post and I will delete it.  If you can't leave a comment I really could not care any less about whatever you are selling.   I will remember who you are.

This is a cold but true statement: If you have no intention of becoming a member of this community, don't even waste the effort to look at blogs or anything else.  Just make your little cut and paste spam dump post so the rest of us can ignore it and move on.