My First Time

Posted by Nina Nestoroff
656 Pageviews
My name is Nina Nestoroff.  I'm a native Texan and I live near the Texas Hill Country in central Texas.

First let me say "Thank You" for taking your valuable time to visit me here.

My purpose in writing is to share what I've learned and experienced over the past few years.  Hopefully by doing so, you will learn from my mistakes and experiences.  That way you won't have to make so many of your own, or you'll at least get to make different ones.

The first thing I want to say to you is something I heard several times - well, more than several - but it took me a while to really listen and more importantly to internalize and then implement.

Yes, I'm sure you've heard it before also...

    The money is in the list.  Build your list first.

Folks, I gotta tell you... It's TRUE.  And you can take THAT to the bank!