You Might As Well Quit Your Network Marketing Business Now

Posted by Billy Anne Crews
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Yes, I’m here to tell you should quit now or don’t even get started in a Network Marketing Business, if…..but here’s a little story first

In the 10th Grade, I was given a sculpture project. I loved art and was very talented and creative in various forms of art, but I just couldn’t get my head around sculpture. Despite my objection to the whole thing, I decided that my project would be a man washing dishes over a sink (like a Mr. Mom), all made out of wire. So off I went to just get a whole bunch of wire.  My teacher asked, “So what are you doing?” Of course my response was, “I’m making a man standing over a sink doing dishes.”  All He Saw was a bunch of twisted wire with no shape or form. To tell you the truth, All I Saw was the same thing and I had no idea how this was going to work.  So there I was in class, after class, during lunch  just twisting wire with no real direction. I just knew it would make sense eventually. Some weeks past, and my teacher came back to me and asked me if I was going to be able to do this. My project had become the laughing stock (like what is SHE DOING).  I just knew it had to work and why can’t they see the vision, but who cares and on I went. Two weeks before the project deadline,   I remember the moment.  Everything  just came together after I saw a vision on how it was going to stand up, how to form it and what to do. To everyone’s disbelief, my laughing stock of sculpture project became THE COOLEST, BADDEST, COMPLETED PROJECT EVER.

So guys, it’s not If your business will work for you. It’s When your business will work for you. If you got started in network marketing   for the If Factor (like a scratch of lottery ticket), then you should just quit now and go spend that money on a brand new Flat Screen (which never has the potential to pay you back or make a difference to others, I might add).  If you are thinking about your business like I was thinking about my sculpture project when this comes together, no matter how many people make fun and stare at me in disbelief, and no matter how much time it takes  I will Win, then You’re on Your Way to Success. It’s not If your business will work, It’s When. If You Don’t Believe, Get Out Now or Don’t Even Get Started.


Billy Anne Crews