THE ATTRACTOR FACTOR in Network Marketing

Posted by Billy Anne Crews
790 Pageviews

Originally Posted at the Attractor Factor in Network Marketer


When I was 22 (about 10 years ago, for a time line) I went to a psychic in Adam’s Morgan a neighborhood in Washington, D.C. and even though I had my head set on being a rock star (that’s how I introduced myself to anyone and everyone), this lady said I’d end up being a teacher. Now, I was really upset by this and said she was crazy. But I did ask her, “what about being a great singer/songwriter because well, I know that is what I’m supposed to do. It’s what God put me here for! It comes naturally for me and I’m good at music!” She said, “I never said you weren’t going to be that. I just said you’d end up being a teacher.” This psychic lady was weird as far as I was concerned and oh my gosh is she crazy. Both of my parents were teachers and I didn’t even like kids, when I was a kid nor did I want a profession with a salary cap! Classroom teachers, as far as I was concerned was for people who have a passion for teaching and love kids! Needless to say, I never went back to a psychic ever again. All I wanted her to tell me was when I was going to be a famous singer— Seriously

It was not until two or three months ago that I thought about “my psychic visit.” My Gosh, the lady was right! I’ve become a teacher …..not in the classroom, but of marketing and business building. Yes, I have plenty to learn. That’s why I buy books, watch videos, and take courses on marketing and personal development. I’ve spent entire weeks learning things that I have no idea how I will use the information, but that I will need it. It’s not about waiting to do something till you know it all, can do it all right, and can afford everything; it’s just about getting it going. There is a saying that goes—“who learns more than the student, the teacher.” You know more about attraction marketing by reading this blog than 95% of network marketers out there and they are looking for you!

When you were new to network marketing industry or a newbie at your job, didn’t you look to someone for guidance? Didn’t you ask someone for help? Weren’t you looking for someone to “teach you?” Yes, you were. If you weren’t then I’m sure you didn’t last long in that company or at that job. The most prominent people in every profession have teachers, trainers, and mastermind groups to take them to the next level (even if they are considered the best in their fields).

You are a Teacher. You are an Information Provider. You are not a distributor for XYZ Company. Provide people with information that helps them solve their marketing needs, prospecting needs, whatever issue your MLM company’s products provide, etc. People will come running to the person providing solutions to all their problems. The Attractor Factor is now You. You get the picture now. Learn How to Draw a Crowd, subscribe to my free daily newsletter on prosperity and home business training see author's resource box.

Become a Teacher and Teach ‘Em to Fish. To Learn How to Draw a Crowd, Become a Renegade Network Marketer.