Well, this is my first time here and I'm trying to think of things to write about or questions to ask other members.

I'm not much of a writer but I've gotten better using blog and social sites. I've never been that great at putting my thoughts down on what used to be paper but now is virtually all electronic medium.

I'm new to this world of marketing. I realize it's basically promoting myself. Who would buy something from me if I couldn't "sell me" first?

I also think that we should take risks now and then(as long as you budget for it). Sometimes you have to give first before you receive something back, and you wont always get something back. Invest in something, buy a house, start a business, take a chance...it may help jump start our economy(a lot more than the "tax rebate" will help).

Which will probably be considered income on 2008 taxes.(It shouldn't be...it's money you already paid in, you're just getting some back...kinda like the way they tell you your tax refund is income...it's not...IT'S MONEY YOU ALREADY PAID IN...they are just returning what you overpaid.

I'll try to write more in my next blog, I shouldn't be doing this at a time when I should be sleeping.

Bye for now,
