I have a story (and some rants and raves) ...

And I am going to do it on this Blog. This is my current journey.

I am a 52 year old single mom. My son is 16, and the most awesome gift God ever gave anyone. I am also an accountant, and have made enough to support us okay. My salary range was $70,000+ a year, needless to say we don't live extravagantly, but we have what we need-or at least we did.

My job with an engineering firm here ran out..yes I know..ran out? The firm doesn't have a local office and the people here actually work at a client's location. The positions are "contracted" with my previous employer. I knew it wouldn't be a permanent position, but working on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan seemed historical and a worthwhile project to be associated with. However as a program accountant, my position was not renewed, so... I was laid off in June, 2006. It was really kind of exciting to me, as I was planning to spend a summer off, the first on of my 30 year working history!! I would get to spend time with my son, go to the beach (I LOVE the ocean..) and watch him surf and have a rest.

I totally enjoyed my summer!! I had just about landed a job with another engineering firm, it becomes kind of like a niche for accounting-you know the industry, the metrics that management uses, etc. when I got an offer to do some work online.

I have been in online businesses and marketing part time for at least 12 years-back when it was in its infancy. I love it, and it was a chance to follow a dream. So yes, I chose to work at home and try it. Never did I dream I would be where I am now. For eight months I had the perfect job. Paid every 1st and 16th. Even reimbursed for health insurance. It wasn't the 70k+ I used to make, but pretty close and I got to stay home.

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