Save me from the cyber bully

Posted by Penny Young
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Today I am feeling a little sad and disappointed.

I just got "cyber bullied" for the first time, and it has not been a pleasant experience.

Some of my on-line content was the target of unnecessary comments aimed at me rather than the subject, and I have been contacted by this same person with instructions on what I can or can't write, and what I can or can't do in what is supposed to be a public arena.

All because I innocently posted in a public place, not realising that this bully was using the area as a personal campaign office. I have inadvertently stepped on the wrong toes, and now I am going to have to suffer the consequences.

It is quite amazing how this has recalled memories I had long shut away. I was a shy child, and was victimised at school. However, I was very fortunate to be blessed with a very long fuse leading to a strong temper. The children at school finally pushed me too far, I exploded, and I was not bullied again. Be warned, my cyber bullying acquaintance!

But, all bravado aside, I am really very upset that this has happened. That sensitive child might have toughened over the years, but everyone has weaknesses. I feel like I need to tread carefully, that my on-line relationships and projects might be in jeopardy, that I have to be cautious in what I say for fear of provoking some sort of cyber vendetta against me.

My heart goes out to those people in all walks of life who get bullied on a daily basis. I had forgotten how vulnerable you can feel, how hopeless, how depressed when someone is trying to terrorise you. It is easy for people to tell you to stand up to them, or report them, but it can be dangerous and have long-term, dire consequences to do so.

So realistically, how should a person deal with bullying, not just on-line, but anywhere?