Ever watch that TV show "How'd They Do That?" Do you ask yourself "How'd They Do That?" when viewing some of these blogs or websites? How do you link from an image to another website? How do you change the text color? size? font? How do you add a signature link without showing the whole url? Anyone answering your questions?
Well, I wanted to know, and I imagine you do to! What is html or UBB code?

The easy answer - html is the language of web pages. Html actually stands for HyperText Markup Language and UBB code (which is a little easier to use) is a part of this language used primarily on message boards or forums. Both use a type of "tagging" system that tells the computer how to lay out the web page:
            html tags are enclosed in <> brackets
            UBB tags are enclosed in [] brackets
Here on APSense, we have the ability to use both. Experienced online marketers have some elemental knowledge of html and UBB tag codes. Unfortunately, many of the social networking sites, like MySpace or FaceBook, present these codes as a simple "copy and paste" procedure which doesn't necessarily help anyone who wants to create even the simplest signatures. If you are new to marketing online, or even new to APSense, you must have some understanding of these codes and how to use them.

Some primary tags would include:
  • (b)     bold
  • (i)      italics
  • (br)    line break
  • (p)     paragraph
  • (u)     underline
(This is only a partial list and certainly not all inclusive)

The most common use, of course, is linking from one website to another. You can link from a line of text (which we do here in our signatures) or from an image (banners are a primary example).   Linking in our signatures would look something like this
 <a href="www.websiteaddress.com">Line of Text</a>
 which would give you a text link that looks like this: Line of Text.   (this is NOT a clickable link, so the color would be different like those links shown below)

To start your "web page language" education, I have provided the following links:

APSense Business Center Help, click here.
For a comprehensive html tutorial, click here.
To look at a quick reference for UBB code, click here.

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