Seems like there has been a fair bit of debate around the community lately, almost seems as though some people would rather compete with each other than help each other.  I have even seen some pretty childish bickering and complaining between members, for whatever reason, thats between them and they should keep it that way.  When we compete we all lose. 


Now, I ain't perfect, much as I'd like to be, and my remarks may seem competitive too, really they are just my opinions, attempts at real conversation if you will.  If we need to challange anyone, it should be ourselves, our own ways of thinking.  Don't think for one second my thinking hasn't been challanged here at apsense, it has and continues to be, and I love it!


Back to whats really bothering me, what made me come home from work during my lunch break just so I could get this off my chest already.  The wining and complaining I have seen lately is enough to drive me up the wall. I don't care whether it's that someone isn't topping blogs, or someone isn't leaving comments, someone isn't taking the right action or whatever.  Complaining proves nothing!  It just gets everyone fired up, thinking in a negative fashion, and guess what, nobody's happy!  You know, apsense was pretty awesome before all the bells and whistles that we now have were added.  If all people are going to do is complain about how people use these features maybe we should just lose them.  THE ONLY ACTION WE SHOULD BE TAKING IS INSPIRED ACTION, PERIOD!  I'm sorry but the negativity of it all is driving me over the edge.  The thing that makes this community great is the people, the people are the one thing that can decide:  Do we make it great, or do we tear it down and destroy it just to serve our own selfish desires? 


So, if you want to top or drop this, whether you want to leave a comment or not, no matter what you think of me, WHATEVER, Tell Me or Don't, I DON'T CARE!  even if you think I'm a total jerk, it doesn't matter.  I'm looking for enlightened, real discussion from forward thinking people.  I will not disregard any remarks, good or bad, just be prepared to deal with my honest feedback, and just maybe together we can grow into some magnificent! 



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