HR-25 Fair Tax Act Are you for or against it? Get $10.00 for posting

Posted by Darrel (MyMagic) Hoover
1481 Pageviews

HR-25 The Fair Tax Act

I just sent my congressman an e-mail letting him know I want him to become a co-sponsor of the FairTax.

Why would I do this you ask? Simple, after reading the bill and the book, then spending several months studying the effects it is my conclusion "We the People" would benefit from the simplification, the adding of illegals, drug dealers, hookers, overseas visitors, ect to the rolls of people paying taxes as they consume products and services.

Our leaders continue to add taxes to the business community, who in turn add those cost to the product they sell us. Then the leaders want us to pay more taxes to support free medical care for all citizens.

Simple, we need a larger base to lighten the load on all of us.

Let me know with a short comment your thoughts are you in favor or opposed to a simplification of our tax system.

PS:  Let me have some fun. For every 10 comments I will choose 1 and send that member $10.00 in e-currency. your comments can be pro or con.



One of our congressmen proposed  one trillion in new taxes today.
Can you name that congressman?