The Success Formula of Champions

By Brian Klemmer

There are five birds sitting on a tree limb. Three of the birds decide to fly off. How many birds are there left on the limb?
I say there are still five, because the decision to fly
off is very different from the action of flying off! How many people do
you have in your downline that made a decision to do this business, yet
still have not sponsored anyone?
People simply do not do what they are told. If they did, duplication
would not be the problem it is in Network Marketing. You would simply
have a top income earner say, "This is how you do the business," and
everyone would run out and be successful. In fact, that's the limit of
many companies' training programs.
People do not do what they know is good for them. People know they have
to be organized, pick up the phone, talk to people. People only
act--and thus produce results--in accordance with their fundamental
beliefs about life. These beliefs include who they think they are, how
they think life works, what they view responsibility to be, and all
their assumptions around commitment, communication, loyalty, etc.
Until a person's fundamental viewpoints shift, working with them puts
you in the realm of motivation. Motivation is good as a short-term fix,
but it always wears off sooner or later--usually sooner. That's why for
long-term change you want to do an inside out approach that truly
alters how you view things.
"Seeing" Is Believing
Imagine you were born with a pair of dark green sunglasses on--you've had them on your whole life.
Now, imagine you are looking at a sheet of white paper. What color would you say it is? Green, of course.
Now, your upline looks at the paper and tells you it's white. What would you say?
You would tell them they're wrong. They don't know
what they are talking about. They better go get their eyes checked, or
something even more severe!
Would it matter how excitedly they told you it was white? No. In fact,
there is literally no hope, no possibility that you could see it as
white, as long as you had the green sunglasses on. You couldn't see it
as white even if you wanted to--as long as you had the glasses on.
Now, if you discover you have those sunglasses on, you could take them
off. Literally, in just a fraction of a second you could see what you
could not see before--the color white!
This is what you as successful Network Marketers
often go through with your downline. You know what it takes to be
successful. You have the results to prove it. You are telling your
downline they can make the same money or more that you do. But they
look at you through their sunglasses and say, "I'd like to, really, but
I'm not as outgoing as you . . . I don't have the contacts you do . . .
I don't have the time you do, I'm already working two jobs."
They want to build a business, they want to earn more, but they
literally cannot SEE how they can do it. They try. Some try very hard.
Yet they still don't make it. Until those sunglasses come off, they
never will!
If you are looking to make a quantum leap in
performance in your business this year, then stop looking for a skill
or technique and take a look at what type of sunglasses you have on.
Look and see what is screening you from noticing the solutions you so
desperately want.
Large changes in a short period of time--or what are commonly referred
to as a breakthroughs--do not occur as a result of any learned skill,
but from a new way of seeing things. This is what we assist people to
do in our Personal Mastery weekend seminars for Network Marketers. You
cannot teach people a new way to look--they must have an experience of
removing the sunglasses themselves. That is why our courses do not
teach "how to." They support people in discovering.
Follow The Map (But Make Sure It's The Right One!)
Imagine you live in Kansas City and you ask me to
come visit you. You mail me a map of the city with some directions from
the airport. However, the printer made a mistake. Although the map says
Kansas City, it is really a map of San Antonio.
If I am trying to follow your directions using this map while driving a
rental car, what would occur? I would get very frustrated--right? (And
isn't that the way most Network Marketers are?) So, I pull out my handy
cellular phone and give you a call to get proper directions.
Now, suppose one of the maps you have of how the world works is that
the way you get ahead is to WORK HARDER. If so, you would tell me,
"Brian, I know the problem, you aren't trying hard enough." (Have you
ever been told this by your upline?)


you are looking to make a quantum leap in performance in your business
this year, then stop looking for a skill or technique and take a look
at what type of sunglasses you have on.

Okay, I'm coachable (which so many Network Marketers aren't, because
they have a map that tells them to do it their own way) so I say, "OK,"
and I drive faster. What happens next?
I get really angry--like all those Network Marketers who have worked
hard for a year and have little or nothing to show for it--because I've
gotten a speeding ticket! I pull out my handy cellular again and call
you up.
Let's now suppose you have a map of how the world works that indicates
ATTITUDE is the key. You know, the height of your altitude is
determined by your attitude. So you tell me, "Brian , I can see the
problem, you have a bad attitude." I say, "You're darn right! I just
got a ticket!" You tell me to read a positive thinking book.
Okay, I'm coachable, so I do read the book and then continue driving.
What happens? I still can't find your place, only now I don't care.
Hey, I have a positive attitude!
What's been the problem all along? I have the wrong map--yet I'm
convinced I have the right map because it says Kansas City on it.
Suppose you have the wrong map of who you are?
Suppose your map of what commitment is, or what responsibility is, doesn't work?
Suppose your map about what your world means, or what it takes to make relationships work, is incorrect?
Then you'll bust your buns and still not get the result you want.
You say, "Oh, but my maps are accurate."
If you don't have the results you want, then they aren't. That's how
you know you've got the right map. It's not a question of you being
wrong. It's the map--not you.
Let me give you an easy example:
Let's assume you had good parents. You've experienced a good parent so
your brain goes, "I now have a map of good parenting." Great!
Now, you're trying to be a good parent and for some reason it isn't
working so well. You have a good map--your good parents. The only
problem is that it's 30 years later and you aren't in Kansas anymore!
The territory is all different. There are two income earners now
instead of one; 15 year-olds are making decisions about whether to
accept some crack cocaine instead of which girl to kiss; college costs
more than a house used to, and much, much more.


you have to be a terrific cook to make a good chocolate chip cookie if
you have a good recipe? No, of course not! You simply follow the
recipe. It is just the same with this formula.

Here's another example: You have some good maps for navigating the
conventional corporate world, yet you're struggling in Network
Look! It's not you--it's the maps.
My goal is not to attempt to give you new maps that work better, as
much as to get you to go exploring the maps you have now. That's when
the magic happens. Literally piercing the veil (or set of sunglasses)
is like having a revelation. Something is revealed to you that you
could not see before.
Many top income earners bring us into their organizations, because
although they are at the top, they're burning out. One of the reasons
is that they can't get their people to be responsible for their
businesses. Consequently, they must continually motivate (which often
means manipulate, threaten, cajole, etc.) in order to keep their people
doing the business. No matter what the upline says--because the
downline people have a set of sunglasses which says that responsibility
is heavy, it's a duty, an obligation, a burden--their response is, "I
can't be any more responsible. I'm working as hard as I can right now!"
However, when their downline has a new viewpoint of what responsibility
is, then suddenly they are eagerly assuming responsibility for their
businesses--but only after they see things differently.
The Champion's Success Formula
What if I told you there was a formula, that when
applied, guaranteed results? You'd probably be either wildly excited or
amusedly skeptical. Well, there is such a formula. I've interviewed
world-record-holding Olympic athletes, CEOs of major corporations,
best-selling authors and famous scientists. All of them have used this
formula successfully. It's a simple formula although understanding it
is, for some, difficult. I have personally used the formula to raise
and give away over $4,000,000, to create a multi-million dollar
business from scratch, meet my wife, and create the beautiful
relationship we both enjoy. My intention is not to brag, because I'm
nobody special; it's simply to illustrate that this formula can be
applied to any goal and that absolutely anyone can do it!
Do you have to be a terrific cook to make a good chocolate chip cookie
if you have a good recipe? No, of course not! You simply follow the
recipe. It is just the same with this formula.
The secret formula of all champions is this:
Intention + Mechanism = Result
Before you read further, write down your definitions
of each of these three words. Don't take a short cut. Put this issue
down and write.
Whatever you wrote is your set of sunglasses with regard to each of
these words. Now, you can keep your viewpoint, but I would encourage
you to allow other perspectives to also exist. That's called growth.
In my workshops, I ask someone to walk from one side of the room to the
other and back to illustrate this point: walking is the mechanism. It
is the way, the process you use to go to one side and back again.
Then, I'll ask the walker to pause a minute when they reach one side
and I'll turn to the crowd and ask what is his or her intention? Many
people will say to get back. How do you know that? "Because you told
him to," they reply.
No. You can not tell a person's true intention by what someone else
tells them to do! You can not even tell a person's true intention by
what comes out of their own mouths. I get people all the time in
seminars that tell me their intention is to be financially independent
or to have a happy marriage . . . and it isn't.
Do they want it? Yes.
Is it a good idea? Yes.
But that's not intention! Intention is many things. For one, it is your
deepest, strongest, most focused commitment. If you are committed to
being comfortable, you may want to be financially independent, but you
probably won't be. Achieving financial independence is rarely
comfortable. If your intent is to be right, you may want a great
intimate relationship, but you probably won't get it.
What if your intention ALWAYS equaled your results? You'd like that! That would be exciting!
Owning Your Intention
I assert that that is the way the world really is: Your intention
always, 100 percent of the time, equals the result you have. Think
about that. It could be very unsettling at first (especially if you are
not where you want to be in your networking business).
Visualize the front and back of one of your hands. If someone asked you
for the front of your hand, no matter how many slices you cut off,
could you ever have a front without a back? No. They are inseparable.
You can tell them apart, but you can never have one with out the other.
So it is with intention and mechanism. They dance together. Two sides
of the Result coin.
I am not talking about intention as simply what you want, would like to
have, or an idle wish as in "the road to hell is paved with good
intentions." I'm talking about your strongest commitment.


what you need to know: you can commit to something when you have no
idea how to accomplish it. The commitment or intention actually
produces a mechanism.

In my workshops, I have people cross the room many times, each time
with a different mechanism; they'll run, skip, hop on one leg.
Eventually they get stuck, stop and can't think of any more ways to
cross the room. Then all of a sudden a new mechanism comes to mind and
they get across the room. What got them across?
Their intention. A voice inside their head said something like, "I'm
not going to look like a fool in front of all these people. I'm coming
up with a new mechanism and coming up with it now!"
Their intention to cross the room becomes very clear and intense. When
the intention is clear, a mechanism will always appear. You do not need
to know how to do things, yet that's how most people are oriented--and
it's where they stop, as well. They are mechanism-oriented.
Here's what you need to know: you can commit to something when you have
no idea how to accomplish it. The commitment or intention actually
produces a mechanism. Many times the new mechanism seems to come out of
the blue, but it is the result of a scientific process.
How many different ways are there to cross a room? Infinite. I do this
at conventions and a thousand people will get across the stage each
using a different mechanism. There are an infinite number of mechanisms
for any single intention.
This is not to say you don't need a mechanism, but if there are an
infinite number of ways to do a thing, anything--then quit worrying
about it. What you want to be most concerned about is your intention.
Is it really to get a result, or is it to be liked, or to be
comfortable, or to be right, to not look foolish or anything else?
Next time you sponsor someone, actually ask what their intention is. Is
it simply to fill out a piece of paper and get you off their back?
When you invite a prospect to hear your story, ask yourself what your
intention is. Is it merely to say you prospected someone--finally--or
is it to get them to hear the full story?
Before you call a downline distributor to coach them, ask yourself what is your intention?
There are many ways to use this formula. This article is not meant to
wrap the concept up in a nice package, but to stir you up to really
think about the whole business of sunglasses, maps, how to get from one
side of the room and back in how many different ways. . . . Really
think about intention, mechanism and your results.
Look for ways you can increase your intention, and although that's a
subject for another article, I know you'll come up with a bunch of them
on your own.

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