Water Cost 3 times More Than Gas and Making Us Fat

Posted by Samuel Heins
814 Pageviews
We live in crazy times! Currently a small bottle of water just 20oz. cost about $1.50. That is about three times the price of our $3.00 gas. The reason why we live in such crazy time is that the bottled water industry is hardly regulated. At least our city tap water has to go through many tests, and pass regulations.

My recent quest to find clean water has lead me to some interesting findings. There is no bottled water on the market that has an alkaline pH = (measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution). The pH scale is from 1-14 with 1 being acidic and 14 being alkaline. There is one brand of bottled water that is 7 pH and that is why the brand is called Neutral. Although I have found some talk about it coming out soon. Who really wants to pay those inflated prices of bottled water anyway!

Why does any of this pH stuff matter anyways? Well according to Dr.Robert O. Young's research pH explains why we are overweight, tired and sluggish. Dr. Young is the author of the book "The pH Miracle" which explains "The New Biology". The New Biology states that the over-acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease.

How to lose fat and cut the pounds if finally clear. An over-acidic body (most of us) stores the acid in the fat cells and makes losing weight very challenging. An acid environment and fat love each other.