Impact of Tourism Development

Posted by Emma Zoe
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Different levels of tourism development planning:

International level:  In this level the tourism department of India has to perform great planning as many people come to India as tourist every year and on regular basis. The tourism department of that particular place along with the local bodies like hotels etc. have to plan in advance and in detail so that the tourists feel comfortable and happy being at that place. The tourism department consists of various departments that look separately to each and every plan.

National Level: In this level, the tourism department of the country has to look after and care for the people of their own country. The tourists who visit a foreign country most of the time help the host country in building the foreign currency treasure which helps them in exporting the vital items.

Destination level: This level tourism planning is very specific as the destinations are very precise in the minds of the tourists. Various factors like weather, situation and culture of the organization have to be considered before planning for destination level. The other name for destination planning is zone level planning.

The Economics Impact of Tourism Development

Economic In country like India, economic, social and environmental impacts are always highly considered when it comes to tourism planning because there is a combination of many cultures and ecological conditions across several states in India.

Let us discuss some of the impacts:

Economic Impacts

Input-output analysis: This analysis helps in knowing the amount of profit earned with the consumption of imported products by the people of the country.

Multipliers: Multipliers are a large area to earn profit as different variable are utilized to different value in the market. These values also change with time and economic situations.

Social exchange Theory: When tourists from different countries visit India, they get to understand the various knowledgeable and interesting things about the Structure culture and socio ecological condition of the country. Also the local people of India get to know about their culture and beliefs and the customs they have been growing with. Places like Sikkim that is still considered orthodox is of high value and can impact the minds of the tourists.

Local perception of ImpactIt is not always that the perception and beliefs of tourists visiting another country gets changed but also the perception and minds of the local people too changes with the visit of foreign tourists. For instance: When Indian people see the culture and beliefs of male female equality in the society of tourists, the independent gender etc. they too get influenced as there is still a difference between male and female child in India.

Environmental impact: This kind of assessment helps in finding the impact of environment in the country. This technique helps in calculating and solving the various problems in issues like pollution, waste and deforestation. If this technique provides some negative results then the policies are changed for the future development.

People today are not at all bothered about their future as they tend to live a sustainable life. Today even tourists are aware and plan for eco-tourism plans and holidays and try to make their trips successful.

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