Why You Need A Point Of Use Water Purifier

Posted by Water Purifier
Mar 23, 2020
One can say that water purifiers are the answer to get good and clean water. But the question is are they really? To answer this question you need to understand how they work, the mechanisms they use and the sorts. There are different types of water purifiers you can choose from and all of them work differently. Since these purifiers come with a lot of different technologies every one of them targets a different type of impurity in the water. You could choose to buy the best RO water purifier in the market but RO as technology deals with a certain type of impurities unless combined with other types like RO+UV or RO+MF. 

You could research the web to buy the right type of water purifier. This will help you in buying the right one for your family as well. First, let us take an RO water purifier, this technology is all about using the reverse osmosis process to rid the water of all its impurities. It forces the water through a semi-permeable membrane to remove stones and other foreign objects. When you combine this technology with that of UV or UF the water will also be rid of different viruses and bacteria from it that RO cannot usually eliminate. Water purifiers also help in enhancing the taste of the water amongst other things. While we are at this point, let us see the other two water filtration systems used. 

The first one is the Point of Entry (POE) this filter is usually placed before the water enters your house. Prior to traveling through your pipelines and exiting through the exit points, this filter treats the water. It removes chlorine, bad odor, and enhances the taste of water while at it. There are several advantages to this filtration system.

  1. You get clean water from the source this also saves your pipelines from all sorts of chemical wear and tear. 
  2. The maintenance of these filtrations systems is once in five to seven years. 
  3. You can use this water for everyday household use. 

While this is one type the other one is Point Of Use (POU). these are placed in kitchens and bathrooms at the point of use in households and are much smaller than POE's. This filtration is used to provide household with purified drinking water. The maintenance in this one is a little more regular than the POE's, for instance, three to six months. The technologies used in these filtration systems are mostly RO and Carbon filters that are responsible to filter out most of the impurities from the water. This water is then usually used in cooking and bathing. With growing water pollution, there has been a significant rise in health issues and skin problems. The importance of water filtration systems today has grown multifold. The various advantages of this system are:

  1. The water you receive is of high quality and mostly safe. 
  2. It is smaller and easier to use when compared to POEs and can be easily installed at any exit point. 
  3. It is more economical to buy and maintenance is not difficult. 

Having said all that, there are disadvantages to its use. 

  1. It can be used only at single points. 
  2. The maintenance is far more regular and filters need to be replaced every so often. 

To conclude, you can use both these filtration systems if you want a full-fledged water purification system. Covering both entry and exit points will give you a lot more purified water than usual. POE will ensure filtered water prior to distribution and POU will ensure further purification before use. If you do not understand these systems you can simply go in for a water purifier with copper tank. Visit the Pureit India's website to find out further details about this product. 

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