Why Teachers Need To Upgrade Their Pedagogy?

Posted by Kristen White
Apr 23, 2018
It is said that great teachers produce great pupils. No doubt, a well-informed teacher plays the most important role in students’ learning and their achievements. The students look up to their teachers to inculcate the subject matter as well as depend heavily on the teachers for their overall development. It is therefore pivotal that the teachers, irrespective of the grade they are teaching keep upgrading their skills and constantly keep evolving to be able to influence the students in a positive manner.
Today, in India, there are many options available for online primary teacher training in Kolkata courses for supporting both the amateur and experienced school teachers. The training programs for teachers are designed in a way that it helps them become the masters over their subject matters and also train them to become a mentor for the students. Just like any other profession, if teachers don’t improve or upgrade their pedagogy regularly, as a teacher your teaching skills will become stagnant. It is therefore important for all educators to keep evolve constantly and enhance their skills.
Embrace change and become more adaptable
It is inevitable that the education system will change. Today, the young children with easy access to technology live in a completely different world as compared to the past generation. It is much easier for the students to have access to all the needed information and knowledge with just a few click of a button. It is therefore important to realize that change is good and expending the energy to fight the change and make it work for good would not only help the teacher’s personal growth, but also will have a significant positive impact in shaping the minds of the youngsters.
Take advantage of the technology
It is important to ensure that the educators don’t limit themselves to only what they know. The teacher training programs help them widen their horizons of teaching methods and use technology for teaching in a better way and to make better curricular decisions. Today, there are literally tons of learning websites and applications available that are made to make the learning process more interactive and more fun for the students. Knowing about these web tools and online resources would help teachers in designing the instructional courses better.
Teach students to become accountable
A hallmark of a good teacher is that they train the students to be articulate about their beliefs. It is important that the teachers hold the students accountable for using a certain study resource, a particular learning tool or an app. The educations have to ensure that the students understand the merits and demerits or their beliefs and/or affiliation toward a certain rational at the conceptual level rather than at recognition level.
Involve the students in curriculum conversation
Over the years, the role of a school has changed significantly. Today, it is not just about being a mentor and rendering them the textbook knowledge; but it is about empowering the students to voice their opinion. A good teacher realizes that it is important to value what the students’ value and gives them an opportunity to voice their opinion in an emphatic way. Also, the modern day teachers with advanced teacher training course in their repertoire ensure that the students not only have clear ideas about their education goals but they also involve the students in chalking out a plan towards achieving the goal.
Today, teachers don’t hesitate to include the ideas of the students in their lesson plans. Thus online primary teacher training in Kolkata courses helps the teachers to be better educators in a number of ways.
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