When Price Is Not the Issue

Posted by Martin Bows
Jan 7, 2013

Article on Diesel watches with a brief history of wrist watches from the early twentieth century and the differences between handmade and automatically assembled watches and the differences in price.

Diesel is a type of combustible engine and is also a clothing brand and like so many other clothing brands it has diversified into other accessories like watches.

Wrist watches are comparatively modern when the history of clocks is looked at. Until the early part of the twentieth century the only time piece a man might have carried around with him would be a fob-watch otherwise known as a waistcoat pocket watch.

Wrist watches were first mass produced for German troops during the First World War. Some bright spark must have realised that before going over the top it was not very practicable to put down the rifle and struggle to synchronise the attack whilst looking at a fob-watch.

After the war the wrist watch market started to bloom and before long it was the best present a boy could expect for Christmas. Sisters were still expected to get excited about some plastic toy cookery utensils but boys after Christmas lived in expectation of everyone to ask him the time.

Mass production of watches began in the Twenties and there were still plenty of moving parts with wheels rocking and rolling around small pieces of polished ruby.

Rubies were and still are the smoothest and least corrosive semi-precious stone inside watches to prevent degradation of metallic moving parts.

To make watchmaking even cheaper, some bright Swiss chemist discovered a way of producing artificial rubies. These are exactly the same as the real thing and are grown in laboratories to this day in many watch making factories.

Looking like stalactites these rubies grow some three feet long before they are cut into the tiny rounded stones fitted into the watches.

Watch making is like several other manufacturing processes that have evolved into fully automated businesses whilst retaining just a few true artisan producers.

Ninety-nine percent of all watch making is done by machines and is completely hands free. These watches are generally at the cheaper end and include battery operated and automatic varieties.

The real handmade watches are truly works of art and each watch may take a year and even more to make.

These watches are in a league of their own and typically will cost between one quarter of a million pounds and up to two million pounds.

Produced in very limited numbers these watches are like the most limited edition sports cars and are almost guaranteed to increase in value over the years.

The vast majority of us can only afford something in-between and there are plenty of excellent designer watches available. Despite fully automated manufacturing the complications of some watches means they can cost three thousand pounds.

The more complication the more expensive the watch. Grand complications are when there is more than three additional movements apart from the usual seconds, minute and hours displayed. Moon phases and so on are each counted as a complication.

For your designer Diesel jeans you should not be seen without Diesel watches. The two are designed to match together and the price won't knock you out.

For more on Intense And Funky Diesel watches see http://www.intenseandfunky.com/

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