What You Should Know About Sleep Apnea

Posted by henry Smith
Nov 7, 2022
This article is written for anybody who has been recently diagnosed with snoring and sleep apnea or perhaps knows someone who has. This is essential to help you know how soon you should visit a dental sleep apnea clinic; after all, dentists are also trained to provide solutions for sleep apnea. Without wasting further time, let's get into the details. 

What Is Sleep apnea?
This is a sleeping disorder that prevents a person from breathing properly while they sleep. Here a person can stop breathing at different intervals while they are asleep. The number of times a person may stop breathing depends on the severity of the person's condition. 

Snoring and sleep apnea have the tendency to not only affect the quality of your sleep negatively but can also have a negative impact on your overall health. This is because it will be difficult for you to function well in school or at work if you cannot get enough sleep and the rest you need at night. 

In this case, your brain is deprived of oxygen, and this is why we often recommend that people with sleep apnea visit a dental sleep apnea clinic as soon as possible to prevent long-term harm. The three main types of sleep apnea affecting a person include complex sleep apnea syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, and central sleep apnea.  

Common symptoms of sleep apnea
The following are common symptoms that can be associated with sleep apnea;
    • Loud snoring
    • Dry mouth when you wake up
    • Feeling sleepy during the day 
    • Damaged teeth and pain in the jaw
    • Trying to catch your breath whenever you wake up
    • Feeling irritable all-day

With almost 30 million Americans suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, there are different treatment options now available depending on the severity of your condition. Seeing a dentist is the first and most essential step for anyone who wants to treat sleep apnea. 

Today there are lots of dentists that specialize in treating snoring and sleep apnea. With the help of oral appliance therapy, these dentists help to increase the flow of oxygen while protecting your teeth. 

With oral appliance therapy, sleep apnea patients are expected to wear a mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer while they sleep. This device is suitable for promoting healthy breathing patterns while patients sleep through the night. The best part is that these appliances are designed specifically to fit into a patient's mouth.  

You can also use a CPAP machine to treat patients with snoring and sleep apnea. This is designed to keep your airway open by forcing air through a tube that is usually attached to a mask.

Sometimes surgery can be recommended as an option for treating sleep apnea; however, this is always the last treatment resort after other methods fail.

It is essential to visit a dental sleep apnea clinic as soon as you observe any of the symptoms mentioned above of sleep apnea. This is because this condition can also affect your teeth. Moreover, it is a dentist that will recommend the best treatment option for you. 
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