What Should We do If Volvo Diesel Generator Sets Are Exposed to Rain Outdoors

Posted by Dieselgenerator Tech
May 26, 2023

For Volvo diesel generator sets that are used outdoors for a long time, it is generally recommended to add a rain-proof shed design. However, for some Volvo diesel generators that are not often used outdoors, they may encounter occasional outdoor use but accidentally encounters heavy rain and cannot be covered. At this time, the user should take care of the generator set in time after the rain stops, otherwise it may cause the generator set to rust and corrode, which will lead to damage and reduce the service life of the set. This article will introduce Volvo Diesel to you. What should I do if the generator set is exposed to rain outdoors?


What Should We do If Volvo Diesel Generator Sets Are Exposed to Rain Outdoors

1. If you get wet in the rain outdoors, you should first rinse the Volvo diesel engine with water to remove the dirt and debris on the surface, and then use a metal cleaner or washing powder to remove the oil on the surface.

2. Put up one end of the Volvo diesel generator set so that the oil drain part of the oil pan is in a low position, unscrew the oil drain plug, pull out the oil dipstick, so that the water in the oil pan flows out by itself until the oil and water are partly discharged together Then screw on the oil drain plug.


3. Remove the air filter of the Volvo Diesel generator set, remove the upper case of the filter, take out the filter element and other parts, remove the water in the filter, and clean the parts with metal cleaning agent or diesel. If the filter is plastic foam, wash it with washing powder or soapy water (gasoline is prohibited), then rinse it with clean water, dry it, and then soak it in a proper amount of engine oil (squeeze it dry by hand after soaking). Oil immersion should also be carried out when changing to a new filter. The filter element is made of paper and should be replaced with a new one. After the parts of the filter are cleaned and dried, install them according to the regulations.


4. Remove the intake and exhaust pipes and the muffler to remove the internal water. Turn on the decompression and crank the diesel engine to see if water is discharged from the inlet and exhaust ports. If water is discharged, continue to crank the crankshaft until all the water in the cylinder is drained. Install the intake and exhaust pipes and the muffler, add a little oil to the intake port, shake the crankshaft for a few times, and then install the air filter.


5. Remove the fuel tank and drain all the oil and water in it. Check whether there is water in the diesel filter and oil pipe. If there is water, drain it. Clean the fuel tank and diesel filter, then install it back to the original place, connect the fuel line, and add clean diesel to the fuel tank.


6. Discharge the sewage in the water tank and waterway, clean the waterway, add clean river water or boiled well water until the water float rises. Turn on the throttle switch to start the diesel engine. After starting the diesel engine, pay attention to observe the rising of the oil indicator and listen to whether the diesel engine makes abnormal noises. After checking whether each part is normal or not, run-in the diesel engine, first idling, then middle speed, then high speed during the running-in sequence, and the running time is 5 minutes each. After running-in, stop the machine to release the oil. Refill the new engine oil, start the diesel engine, and run it at medium speed for 5 minutes, then it can be used normally.


When Volvo diesel generator sets are exposed to rain outdoors, users can use the above methods in time to effectively restore the generator sets to normal conditions and eliminate potential safety hazards in later operation. Dingbo Power reminds users that when using diesel generator sets outdoors, Be sure to do a good job of shielding at any time to prevent unnecessary failures of the generator set due to air weather and increase your operating costs.


Guangxi Dingbo Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd has a team of experienced technicians who are ready to solve any problem of diesel generator. If you need to buy a Volvo Diesel generator set, please visit our website for more information. You can contact us by our email dingbo@dieselgeneratortech.com.

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