What is Your Dedication, here at APSense in March!

Posted by Joseph Botelho
Nov 20, 2011

November 20, 2011

What is Your Dedication, here at APSense in March!

Social Business Media Sites work effectively and has the ability to provide you with Leadership in your marketing skills.  Marketing on the internet is a hard gig, for most of us!  Many of else rely on others to promote us without having to do much work on here what so every.  APSense provides you with applications, tools and a very clever way of getting your articles, promotions and marketing skills get noticed in cyberspace. So let’s share what APSense will do for you, when you understand the concept of marketing and using the features here at APSense.

Your articles will always been ranked high when you promote and share your articles on Twitter, Linkedin, facebook and all other major social media sites you have access too.  In order for this to take place you will have to become a little more dedicated with your articles that you write.  What is meant by that, you need to appreciate what you have written, and now it is time for you to promote it and share it logically with your networks?  This is an important, effective and rewarding step for generating traffic that will lead back to your ads.  Is this not our mission is to create a niche market that will read and reply to your articles.

APSense is currently ranked at 3,614 with Alexa’s Ranking, means our articles have the ability to be piggy backed with APSense rankings watch how your articles rank and you will understand this concept of the value of having a high ranked article in your specialty field.  The traffic will increase, in some case visitors actually post a comment on your article and that is a reward you cannot buy.   Not only a reward but a visitor who has actually spent time on your site clicked on some of your links and increased the bounce ratio as a visitor on your site.

APSense provides each member with the ability for each and every member to have the same advantage with their abilities when it come to marketing on the internet, some of the outstanding features we have in place is a list of features that will provide you with the success you need to become successful with your promotions and marketing skills.  Review the key elements that will enhance your over image, branding of your abilities and talent showcasing it in a very Professional displayed profile.

Creating a Killer profile is not only wise but it is the image and impression you will ever have to capture the attention of the reader.  The profile will provide the reader with confidence, integrity, loyalty and most of all, telling your reader who you are and why he should do business with you and your companies.  Here is an article l wrote on this topic it should provide you with ideas that will improve or add to your profit.

You’re Profile on APSense, why it is so important!!

Then next and very important step for you is to grow and dedicate your desires to learning how to become very effective marketer on the internet.  This next step will be one you will need to change daily and l have not been doing this myself.  I found it to be very creative and a very good display of your raw talents.  This section is called your “Business Section” This is also known as your “ABC’s” where you get to display your showroom of promotions, products etc, etc.

“You’re Business Section at APSense”

Once you learn how to set up your profile and business section you will see a drastic increase on visitors and replies, comments on your postings.  Apsense teaches this ability to become an effective tool here and all our sites you work.  It is all creating links in and out of APSense and the higher we rank the more traffic and feedback you will get.

All the Best,


Joseph F. Botelho

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Comments (31)
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Follow what l do here will bring you success l was trained by the Master Mr. Wincer Sung......yea the master mind behind all the creations that occur here at APSense and Some really BIG revisions coming to us very soon....l enjoy seeing growth and success here l been with the Wincer team since 2007......love this place...when we all starting doing the things that provide with your blood line back links...will provide you will a good bounce ratio...

Jan 18, 2012 Like it
Ken Miami-Water.com


yeah i found a good spinner called spinner chief! it is pretty good still need to proofread it though
as many of the words come out like gibberish.

Jan 8, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

@ Andrew your quite on the mark with creating original content, yet a point for consideration though is if you hold the copyright for your original material you should be allowed to place it anywhere.
However if you believe google may punish you grab yourself an article spin tool and reproduce your own work in a multitude of different versions and place a different one on each of your individual blog/article sites..

Jan 8, 2012 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

Social Network Marketing is an ever increasing necessity to modern marketing practices, static websites bring static results, social interaction is the booster for any website that may lead to product or service sales.
Thanks Jo.

Jan 8, 2012 Like it
Ken Miami-Water.com


I'm thinking it is wise not to transfer my write ups from blog.
Even though it is my original material i think with the way google
operates now they will punish :/ doing as you said taking the time
to put unique material will get the best returns.

Jan 8, 2012 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

This is an interesting question, only you know what that is..........and how you will obtain it.........this is not a get rich quick type of promise when you joined.............What we do here is teach and dedicated our efforts to providing your abilities the state and most current trends on the internet is what APSense dedication is why the rest is up to you..............we provide, we promote and get you all you need to be successful....
Make it happen, learn our features apply your talents..

Jan 7, 2012 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

You can do it Andre, you have the desire then you will achieve it...all the best you need help let me know...

Dec 8, 2011 Like it
Ken Miami-Water.com


My next strategy will be to register for all the good add this websites
below your article ive signed up for like 10 some of those links
go right to the front page of these sites for a few minutes and
i noticed i was getting likes from Myspace that i wasn't even friends with
Stumbleupon was giving instant traffic every time too.

Dec 8, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Andre, you know l am a master at that when l post any article l put every where in cyberspace....l ping them, l blog that l put them on forums....the more you do the more links you are creating....why l get so many hits on my articles, l take my time change my key words etc.etc........re read correct errors, as in grammar, just try to improve my articles to be the cleans and get the message out to my readers....:}

Dec 8, 2011 Like it
Ken Miami-Water.com


I really like the way apsense is put together i only wish i had found it sooner.
Question is it worth moving your good articles from a personal blog to apsense?
Or would the search engines not like that?

Dec 8, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Thank you Irene, Paula, l appreciate your feed back it is what motivates us all to help each in a professional manner, l am not providing you with links that will lead you to another click-back affiliated link that will not let you leave that page....until you have more look at it...what l am providing is information that will help you market your talents here and any other social media site you work with..Your dedication is your true measured result....which will provide you with success for yo

Dec 8, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun

Social Marketing works.

Especially making an effort in writing quality articles on networks and blogs is time well spent since the effect are long lasting even ongoing it you update those from time to time. Or simply by sharing them occasionally with a short introduction to peak an interest. When people read it they will often click your profile to know more about you. Relevant commenting on blogs and articles is not only good for back links but is also good to establish and/or maintain connections since it demonstrate

Dec 6, 2011 Like it
Irene Blackett

Marketing Tools And Training

Great article Joseph. I followed your links right up to your ABC page. I like how you presented your profile and how Apsense has listd Articles and Recv Pages at the bottom.... I see I have a lot of catching up to do and will certainly put that at the top of my 'to do list'. I always learn so much from your wisdom. I Appreciate all you do my friend!

Dec 4, 2011 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

and we are grateful of your acceptance my friend. Thankyou Joeseph.

Dec 4, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Thank you Trev, normally as a rule here at APSense we do not put links on comments, but this one is a good one...l have checked it out, it is a very well and good looking blog, has a lot of solid information, but it had no rankings as of yet....according to "Alexa's Ranking"...but l did like the design and the potential it has so l will follow your blog...and create a back link back to the APSense Blog.....have also folow our blog...the more people she follows will her...just do it all the best

Dec 4, 2011 Like it
Trev Pearman

IM Coach IMMACC mbr

well if any of you want to place a valuable comment on my wifes blog and you get a follow and or reply in return then please do so. www.busywomanathome.com she ranks from the 100,000s to well in the billions. Thanks Joe for a great piece of information, all too often people forget the smaller details that can have outstanding results. I think schedule your online working week to dedication of specific tasks to formulate the business plan that will return positive results.

Dec 4, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Mr. Khan, You have excellent point there, slow steady process will provide you with the information and knowledge that will absolutely enhance you over all performance one step at a time.... Success is dedication to your dreams, desires you want in your life...

Dec 4, 2011 Like it
H.M. Tahir Khan

Internet Marketing Consultant

Dear Joseph F. Botelho! Hi,
YOU are welcome & it's my Pleasure. If YOU continue with the same Spirit & Esteem, YOU will
Progress & will reach YOUR Destination. YOU are very Right, it's Time-Consuming, but YOU Know,
"Slow & Steady Wins the Race!"

Nov 29, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Well thank you Tahir, for the kind words not sure l am an expert author has a nice ring to it...Yes l would agree with you if we all shared and did the little things that would enhance of overall performance we would be much more ahead with our progress and self growth...It all takes time but we will get there...

Nov 29, 2011 Like it
H.M. Tahir Khan

Internet Marketing Consultant

An important Article, written by an Expert Author, who mentioned the "Growing Role of APSense
in Today's Business On Line" in addition to being an Establishing 'Social Networking Media!
I Like it a Lot. APSense is doing a Commendable job & WE all should Acknowledge &
Appreciate it.

Nov 27, 2011 Like it
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