What Can You Do Before Home Inspection Begins

Posted by Abhinav G.
Jun 6, 2021
  • on starts. No one likes to inspect a dusty home.


  • Clean the roof: While cleaning and dusting, do not ignore the roof of the house. Yes, get a ladder, clean the roof. It is one of the primary things that most house inspections check. 


  • Keep the exteriors clear: Home inspection in Hudson Valley NY and in New York, as a whole, or anywhere includes checking the house's exterior. Inspectors check if anything is in close proximity to the property, it can make the report go against you. Thus ensure that nothing is 6 inches near the property on the outside. 


  • Check the bathroom: You must check that your bathroom is in order. That is, your flushes are working, taps are not leaking or jammed, the bathtub's drainage is proper, and so on. Failing to do this can leave a bad impression on your buyer and their inspector.


  • Clear the space: While home inspectors cannot move your personal belongings without your consent, it is advisable to remove anything before the inspection begins to avoid obstruction.  


You can contribute to making the report better, but not entirely. So it is best if you are honest with the buyers and price your property accordingly. The home inspection report should not come as a shock to anyone interested in buying your house. It will impact the buyer-seller trust relationship, and you may even lose your buyer. 

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