What Are the Uses of Xanax and How It Works?

Xanax or Alprazolam is known as anti-anxiety medicine. It is
prescribed by doctors to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic
disorders. It is known by common street names which include Benzos, Bars,
Handlebars, Xannies, and Ladders. It belongs to drugs called
How do Xanax works?
Xanax induces a calming effect on the brain and central nervous
system. It boosts the activity of natural chemical (GABA) in the brain to
release anxiety and tension.
Xanax: Availability
and Dosage
Xanax is easily available in local drug stores as well as
online. You can buy Xanax online sitting in any corner of the world.
You can get it in several forms and strengths. Avail Xanax in the form of
orally disintegrating tablets available in 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg or 2mg potencies.
It is also available in two forms extended-release tablets in the strengths of
0.5mg, 1mg, 2mg or 3mg.
As it provides relaxation to the mind, Xanax 1mg is famous for
its recreational use. You can buy Xanax1mg online.
An abuse or a misuse of Xanax should be avoided due to its
habit-forming and addictive properties. An overdose of Xanax may lead to
addiction, overdose, or death.
What are the
precautions to be taken while using Xanax?
People having any of
the health conditions discussed below should avoid the usage of Xanax:
Allergic to Xanax or
other medicines of the same group
asthma or breathing
liver or kidney
narrow-angle glaucoma
suicidal tendencies
Xanax is not taken if you are pregnant, especially during the
first trimester of the pregnancy as taking Xanax may increase the risk of
various abnormalities and cause harm to the baby. It should be avoided in
lactating or breastfeeding women.
Effects of Xanax
When you take Xanax regularly for a prolonged time or in larger
amounts, the brain gets used to this drug. If its consumption is ceased
abruptly, it may cause the following withdrawal symptoms:
· Nausea
· Insomnia
· Trembling
· Loss of
· Tremors
· Cramps
· Tingling in arms and
· Pain in the jaw or
· Muscle aches
· Headache
· Sensitivity to light
and sound
· Delirium
· Diarrhoea
· Blurred vision
· Numbness of fingers
· Heart palpitations
· Paranoia
· Seizures
· Hypertension
· Sweating
· Fever
What are the
side effects of Xanax?
Some common and
manageable side effects of taking Xanax are:
· weakness
· Headache
· drowsiness
· weight gain or Loss
· low levels of
· lack of
· tremors
· Loss of appetite
· confused state of
· depression
· constipation or
· nervousness
· dry mouth or
increased saliva
· NauseaNausea or
· Pain in muscles
· light-headedness
· change in sex drive
· menstrual imbalance
· blurred vision
· fear of dying
· aggressive behavior
· mood swings
In case you notice some serious side effects after taking Xanax,
you should immediately call your medical practitioner for help. Some symptoms
of concern are as follows:
· chest
· seizures
· yellowing of the
eyes or skin
· hallucinations
· sleepwalking
· suicidal thoughts
· memory loss
· difficulty in
· tachycardia or heart
· swelling
· slurred speech or
difficulty talking
· Loss of coordination
· trouble walking
· itching
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