What Are The Significant Signs Of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Posted by Shipra Sharma
Jul 18, 2019
Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney related disorder that is a collection of health complications. These complications arise when the damage occurs to the clusters of small blood vessels in your kidneys. These clusters in the kidneys are responsible for removing impurities, filtering blood and managing fluid level in the body in their healthy state.    

In the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome, all these functions get affected that cause several health complications to arise in the body. Early detection of the condition is necessary as in the lack of proper treatment; it may lead to kidney damage or kidney failure. So, when it comes to the treatment, Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is the most efficacious treatment for this health disorder. In this article, we’ll explore significant signs of Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment.               

Major signs of Nephrotic Syndrome 

As mentioned above, it is a collection of symptoms so let’s take a look at the possible signs and symptoms occur in the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome:   

Excess protein loss in the urine- It is the first major symptom that you can notice in the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome. The damage of the kidney clusters can pass an excess amount of protein through them.                
Low albumin level in the blood- Due to the leakage of too much protein in the urine, the body experiences lack of albumin- a kind of necessary protein found in the blood.    
Swelling in different parts of the body- In the condition, the wastes and excess fluid accumulate in the body and cause swelling to arise in hands, feet, legs or ankles.           
Fatigue- In this health condition, a person may experience no appetite as the wastes and toxins are accumulating in the body. Consequently, he may feel fatigued all the time.               
High fat and cholesterol in the blood- As the kidney filters are not capable of eliminating waste materials from the blood and hence the level of fat goes high in the blood.                

What can be the causes of Nephrotic Syndrome?     

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main secondary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome that are found to be responsible for this condition in most of the cases. In addition, there are many other primary and secondary factors that are known to be the possible cause of Nephrotic Syndrome. Some primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome are described below:  

Minimal Change disease- This disorder affects the functionality of the kidneys by damaging their filters. But when the kidneys are tested, no change or a very minimal change is seen in them. The doctors don’t know the actual cause of the disease.               
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) - In this disorder, several scars on the kidney filters appear that affect the functions of the kidneys.              
Membranous Nephropathy- In this health condition, the membranes of the glomeruli become thick.   
Lupus-It is a chronic immune system disease that can cause damage to the kidney filters if remains untreated.        
Amyloidosis- This condition causes a buildup of substance, amyloid protein in the blood that can affect the functionality of the kidneys.       

As these are the primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome thus responsible for causing Nephrotic Syndrome to occur. So, when you get any of these diseases, you should try to cure them before they get the form of Nephrotic Syndrome.                  

Is there any permanent solution for this severe condition? 

For the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome, various treatment methods are available. Let’s start with Allopathy; it is a state-of-the-art therapy that utilizes drug-based medications and sometimes surgeries in order to treat or suppress the ill-effects of a disease. Although it is the most advanced treatment system, not the most effective one. As this treatment system cures the symptoms without reaching to the root causes of disease. So, Allopathic treatment can’t be considered as a permanent solution for any kind of health disorder. In addition, Allopathic medicines are the combination of drugs and chemicals which may put many adverse effects on your health if consumed for a long period.   

Rather than, there is another treatment method that is far effective than other treatment methods. Yes, we are talking about Ayurveda. In fact, it is the most ancient science of life that encompasses the knowledge of keeping the body healthy with some natural methods. It not only advises you to live a healthy life for longer but also proffers you the ways to cure health disorders naturally. Ayurveda aims to cure a health disorder by working on its root causes so the treatment is permanent. Ayurvedic treatment is a combination of certain practices such as the consumption of herbal medications, balanced diet, and exercises. This combination works like magic in any sort of health disorders and fixes them permanently. Ayurvedic medicines encompass herbal extracts that are totally health-friendly and do not cause any side-effects on the body. Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic Treatment is the most relevant solution for the permanent cure of the disease.       

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