What Are the Precautions for the Use of Diesel Generator Cooling System

Posted by Dingbo Power
Jun 16, 2023

The cooling system of diesel generator set plays a very important role in the normal operation of the unit. The poor technical status of the cooling system of diesel generator set will directly affect the normal operation of diesel engine. The deterioration of the technical state of the cooling system of diesel generator sets is mainly manifested in the scaling in the cooling system, which makes the volume smaller, increases the circulating resistance of water, and at the same time, the thermal conductivity of the scaling becomes worse, resulting in the decrease of heat dissipation effect and the higher unit temperature, which will accelerate the formation of scaling.In addition, the poor technical state of the cooling system is also easy to cause oil oxidation, resulting in carbon deposition on piston rings, cylinder walls, valves and other parts, resulting in increased wear. Therefore, the following points should be paid attention to in the use of generating set cooling system:


What Are the Precautions for the Use of Diesel Generator Cooling System


1. The cooling system of diesel generator sets shall use soft water such as snow water and rain water as cooling water as far as possible. River water, spring water and well water are all hard water, which contain a variety of minerals. When the water temperature rises, they will precipitate, which is easy to form scale in the cooling system, so they can not be used directly. If it is necessary to use this kind of water, it should be boiled, precipitated and used with surface water. In case of water shortage, clean and soft water without impurities should be used.


2. Keep proper water level, that is, the water level in the water supply chamber shall not be lower than 8mm below the upper opening of the water inlet pipe, and the water level too low shall be supplemented in time.


3. Master the correct operation method of adding and discharging water. When the cooling system of the diesel generator set is overheated and short of water, it is not allowed to add cold water immediately. It is necessary to unload the load. When the water temperature drops, it is necessary to add cold water slowly in a small flow. In case of water cut-off during the operation of diesel generator set, water must not be added immediately, so as to avoid stress and crack of parts due to uneven heat and cold, or death accident. At this time, water can be added only when the standby temperature drops to the natural temperature after the diesel generator unit is shut down.In cold weather, the water should not be drained when the water temperature is very high, in order to prevent the body from being damaged due to too large temperature difference. The water should be drained after the water temperature drops to 40 ℃. In addition, the water tank cover should be opened, and the crankshaft should be turned to make the water in the water pump completely drained, so as to avoid cracking the radiator, cylinder head, cylinder block and other parts.


4. Maintain the normal temperature of the cooling system of the diesel generator set. After the diesel engine is started, it can start to work only when the temperature is above 60 ℃ (the tractor can start to run empty only when the water temperature is above 40 ℃). After normal operation, the water temperature should be kept in the range of 80 ~ 90 ℃, and the higher temperature should not exceed 98 ℃.


5. Check the belt tension. It is suitable to press 29.4 ~ 49n force on the middle of the belt, and the belt subsidence is 10 ~ 12mm. If it is too tight or too loose, loosen the fastening bolt of the generator bracket and adjust it by moving the position of the generator pulley.


6. Check the water leakage of the water pump, observe the water leakage of the drain hole of the water pump cover, the water leakage should not exceed 6 drops within 3 minutes after parking, and replace the water seal if there is too much.


7. Pump shaft bearings should be lubricated regularly. When the cooling system of power generator works for 50h, grease should be added to the bearing of water pump shaft.


8. When the cooling system of diesel generator set works for about 1000 hours, the scale of cooling system should be cleaned.


The above are the precautions for using the cooling system of diesel generator set introduced by Dingbo Power, a professional generator manufacturer. Dingbo Power reminds users that improper use and maintenance of the cooling system will directly affect the normal operation of the diesel generator set. In case of failure, it will not only delay time but also reduce economic benefits, So in the process of using diesel generator set, it is necessary to use and maintain the cooling system correctly.If you want to know more about diesel generator or are interested in diesel generator, please contact us by email dingbo@dieselgeneratortech.com.

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