What Are the Advantages of Implementing the Elog Mandate?

Posted by Veronica S.
Apr 9, 2018

The ELD Mandate was declared by the government in order to simplify the process of commercial vehicle management. This mandate advocates the application of an electronic logging device which is capable of flawlessly recording the on duty as well as off duty hours of a truck driver. Here, in this article, the multiple advantages of applying the ELog mandate have been discussed in detail.

Electronic logbook for truckers

The ELD Mandate is a rule that was published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to be implemented by all commercial truck drivers.  According to this mandate, all professional truckers in the USA have to install an electronic loggingdevice, which will produce accurate reports on the Hours of Services of the truck drivers. The basic intent behind the declaration of this much talked about Elog Mandate was to reduce workload of the drivers by replacing paper logbooks with electronic logbooks, and thus producing more accurate documents. Discussed below are the many benefits brought forward by the application of Elog mandate 2017.

More Accurate Reporting:

With the application of the electronic logging devices, an accurate report of the drivers’ hours of service has been made possible. The FMCSA compliant electronic devices record the exact on duty as well as off duty hours of a truck driver, making the entire procedure more direct and precise. With the implementation of the Eld log mandate, drivers don’t have to use tedious paper logbooks, since their Record of Duty status is updated automatically in the logging device. These devices are able to save a huge amount of time, cost and effort of the fleet managers as well as drivers.

Reducing Workload of the Drivers:

With the administration of theElog mandate, drivers are able to relax now, as they do not have to spend a lot of time preparing work reports using paper log books. They are able to produce accurate and error free work report to their managers without having to waste any time. Application of the Eld mandate keeps the drivers HOS compliant as well, and it is made possible because the Eld device warns the truck drivers in case a time sensitive event is approaching.

Ensures Road Safety:

One of the basic reasons behind the declaration of the Eld mandate was to ensure road safety, not only for the truck drivers, but for the pedestrians as well. A large majority of accidents on the roadareprimarily due to the exhaustion of truckers. The electronic logging devices ensure also allows the fleet managers to monitor the activities of the truck driver as well as the location of the truck.

ELD Mandate is a logbook management firm operating in the USA. They offer all kinds of logbook related services at cost-effective prices. They provide their customers with affordable electronic logging devices which are completely compliant with the Elog mandate. Log book auditing, GPS tracking, and electronic logbooks apps are some of the other services they have to offer. 

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