Watch Russell Brunson’s NEWEST conference from HOME!

Posted by R. Weatherly
Jun 16, 2020

Hey Readers,

Russell Brunson just made a BIG announcement earlier this week Readers, did you see it?


Apparently they’ve been working hard over at ClickFunnels, because they just announced their 3-Day “Two Comma Club LIVE” Virtual Conference!


I’m totally IN! I don’t think they’ve ever put on a full virtual conference before, so I can’t wait to see what they do with it! (And I wondered if you wanted to watch with me?)


It’s a 3-day immersive conference that ClickFunnels will be streaming from their offices in Boise, Idaho Readers.


AND, they’re also going to stream presentations from some of the TOP RATED speakers from Funnel Hacking LIVE!


I know that they’ve selected some presentations that had the BIGGEST impact for their attendees at FHL, and are pulling these presentations out of the VAULT, and will stream those SAME PRESENTATIONS to you LIVE!


Coolest part is, most people have never seen these before, so get prepared to have your minds BLOWN, my friends!


(And even if you did attend all the Funnel Hacking LIVE events, and saw some of these presentations, you’ll want to watch them again anyway. You’ll pick up different nuggets and “a-ha’s” than when you experienced it last time, because your business is in a totally different place now).


This is where I went to get all the details and register:


If you know anything about Russell Brunson, and the events that ClickFunnels puts on, you already know that they are CRAZY Readers, and something that you end up talking about for MONTHS afterward!


High energy. Tons of fun. Definitely not a typical “marketing conference” for sure.


It’s more like a giant party, where you learn a ton and come away a changed entrepreneur.


(At least, that’s been MY experience).


So I can’t wait to see how CF will take their 3-day conference VIRTUAL!


Here’s the full details and where you can register:


To Your Continued Success,

Ricardo Weatherly

Skype ID: hildogojones


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Comments (1)
R. Weatherly

Business Professional

June 16th. 2020 Two Comma Club Live online conference was Created by Master Sales Funnel Builder Russell Brunson to Teach people How To take their business revenue into the two comma range.

Jun 16, 2020 2 Likes Like it
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