Updated list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR

Posted by Simran Aggarwal
May 25, 2019

Now let's try and create some aerialist and connect it to our list. You right. So go to the main activity because that very redisplays the name of the landmarks right. And under own create I will create an entry list for our digital agency landmarks. So how can we create a radius? We can create like this landmark names a list and it will consist what of course streak right through Kansas streaks. So now I can just add as many as I want. Like landmarked names that add a lot of light at a piece of Landmark names that adds What will I add Colosseum. 

Let Mark Mame's out at. And a fellow rubber and let's add I'll do one for one. Rich OK so we now created our Lexmark names. We have an air rail system we want to display These aerialists in our list. So what do we do? We use something called our list of digital marketing companies in delhi ncr adapter and believe it or not this is very easy to do. In other programming languages, it is some painful process like this is the only advantage comparing to iOS development that Android has. It is very easy to work with this area adapters you just create an area adapter here with a capital A and A are adapter and it will ask some premonition. And the first thing to give input is the context and I will give this as this is your first main activity.

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Again we have seen this before. Right. In this case, the first main activity generally does me does refer to the parent and it will drive from the main activity. So the second thing to do is to give some inputs of the layout so unretouched our dark layout. So here you have some options and it will define what your list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR will look like. K and I will just choose the simple list item one. So this is the default option. This is the simplest option. K. you will just we will just show the lists as titles and actually the third thing to give input to our aerialists itself. So its landmark names. So when we created an array adapter and we connected our landmark names with this area.

  1. So if I say list do you dot set adapter or three dot adapter in Copland's hurry. And I can say, area doctor. So now I have synchronized the list view with the area adapter and arrayed chapter but the Lamarque names so ethically I will see all the things in my Lexmark names and let's see if we can see it.
  2. We run this application in our emulator Here we go. Yes as you can see how we can show the user the content in our list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR lender Mark names. So the next thing to do. What happens when we click on the right.
  3. Let us do that in the next lecture. OK let's find some images for Marks and display them to the user. So what do we have here? You have a file from the bridge. So if you just google this you can take the list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR whatever image you want. I have already downloaded four images and the doesn't matter.

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You can just choose the ones you want and you can choose your favorite landmarks and create one application of them. I really suggest you do that. OK. Just don't speak to my examples here.

  • So after you find your images what do we do. You take all the images. Right. So let me choose them and let me put them into my list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR image folder. You don't have to do that. I'm just an order freak. I will copy this jay with controversy and go to my trouble folder and paste them with control-C. And here I have my files and folder.
  • And here I have my images in my project folder right now. So how do I create images inside my code without using these girl assets? I think we've never done this before so I create a variable called piazza J and this site is going to drive from the drawable and it's going to be a bit map, Kate.
  • So this will be bitmapped factory dot de-code research and does research, is it? It will ask some premolars again and it will be the list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR first thing to do application context that research. OK. And the second thing to do is actually find the research itself. The idea of the research how do we reach it. We say our DOT drawable dot.
  • And here we have the images here like Pisa. So we will use the application complex researchers to decode these resource and it will just define the images as rebels for us.

So I will do the same for the rest of the images as well. So piece coalesces you bitmapped factory dot de-code research application contact that resource and are that durable DA at this time file. And finally I have the range so you can actually and soon you can actually use this project to create the same similar projects as very you have some list. And in the second activity, you display the details of that list to them to the users. OK. And these options are unlimited. You can just find some other hobbies of yourself to build upon Kate. So now I will create a 
list of digital marketing companies in Delhi NCR landmark images aerialist and there's every list now consist of bitmap and the DS. These are not very different things so I will do the same thing. As I say Lemark images that add piece collapsium file and London Bridge and the thing to watch this the thing to pay attention here is that you have to do it within the same order. So that piece will match with Pisa coalesce human with match with Colosseum so that we can use duelist view logic. OK. So pay attention you have to just add the elements in the correct fashion.

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