Unlock the Confidence to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

Posted by Dillon Patterson
May 23, 2018

Despite the well-known health risks associated with smoking, about 17% of adults in the U.S. are still smokers. That translates to about 40 million people in the U.S. who regularly smoke cigarettes.

Smoking is considered to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 16 million Americans currently live with a smoking related disease, and the habit is linked to more than 480,000 deaths annually, one out of every five in the country.

The health challenges caused by smoking are no secret. Most smokers will readily admit that they know their smoking habit is killing them and would quit if they could. Many will even go on to explain that they’ve tried to stop smoking, even multiple times, without success. Most often, the motivation to quit is there, but the confidence and willpower needed to completely break the addiction fall short.

Tobacco creates a powerful addiction that is both physical and psychological. Although the physical addiction can be broken within just a few days, the psychological addiction — the force of habit — is what most smokers find the most difficult to break.

Hypnosis has been shown to be a fast and effective tool when it comes to changing or eliminating habits, including the deadly habit of smoking. In fact, in a randomized study conducted with more than 280 smokers, results showed that study participants who used hypnotherapy as part of their smoking cessation program were significantly more likely to remain smoke free at periods of six and twelve months after quitting than participants who underwent conventional treatment.

By relaxing and quieting the mind, making your subconscious more open to suggestions, hypnosis can help to remove the mental blocks that cause anxiety, calm the impulses that form unconscious habits, and allow you to change your own behavior. You will feel more confident and able to follow through with your own healthy decisions, rather than feeling like a slave to anxiety and doubt.

If you are serious about quitting smoking, even if you’ve tried before and failed, hypnosis can give you an edge that you haven’t had before. Hypnotherapy will help you to unlock the willpower you need in order to stop smoking once and for all. It will allow you to focus on the amazing benefits to your health that will move you forward; instead of the anxiety and impulsiveness that has held you back. You’ll be able to change your habits, and your life, for good.

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