Twitter Marketing Is Growing Rapidly. Know The Reason Behind.

Posted by Rupa Chakravarty
Oct 17, 2018

Most of the marketers agree to the fact that Twitter is an outstanding business platform if used in the correct manner. We all very well know that creating a page on any social sites is very easy. It is actually very easy. All you need to do is create a page, upload basic information about your company or brand, set up a profile and cover picture and tweet. This is all we need to do on Twitter. But here comes the tricky part in Twitter. Because in Twitter turning your page into your brand's image. Which turns out to be a good source of business for your brand or company is baffling.

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Building your real followers on Twitter is the real tricky part. And if you are thinking that only tweeting all day long. Or to promote your company's brand new products on Twitter is enough to grow a strong fan base on Twitter. In this case, let me tell you something. You are going all wrong. Successful Twitter Marketing is all about engaging with your target customers. And connecting with your fan base. To build strong and loyal fan-following on Twitter. However, the task is to keep your fan base updated with new things according to your niche. And to keep doing that in new ways, if you don't want to lose your valuable customers.

When you are doing any social media marketing. One thing you need to remember is that you're every marketing strategy needs to be different than the other. It cannot be the same strategy. Like the strategy you are using for your Instagram Marketing, cannot be the same as your Twitter Marketing. Every social media platforms demand something different than the other. Otherwise, you cannot survive in social sites as brands. If you use the same marketing strategy again and again.

Few Things To Keep In Mind When Planning For A Twitter Marketing -

  1. Take Care Of Your Website's Bio. People will know about your brand or company through it
  2. Post Tweets On the time when your followers are most active on Twitter
  3. Do not overuse the usage of Hashtag. As well as keep in mind to use the right hashtag always
  4. Use images in your tweets. So to make it look attractive and so that people can re-tweet it maximum times
  5. Create polls for better interaction with your fan following
  6. Use innovational CTAs (and no need to ask for shares. People will share it from their own)
  7. You can go ahead with Influencer marketing also.
  8. Do Twitter Ads

No doubt that Twitter is one of the best platforms to increase your brand name. But there are a few things one needs to keep in mind. Tweets are there for a few seconds. And everybody is Tweeting. So for Tweets to matter. You need to do something extraordinary with your Twitter Marketing.

Starting with your Twitter Bio, to the profile picture and tweets. In Twitter for better results. You need to take care of every small thing. And improve it day-by-day.

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