Trying to get pregnant for a long time? Try IVF Treatment

Posted by Shivani Sachdev
Feb 17, 2022

To begin with, the most prevalent and successful reproductive technique is in vitro fertilization (IVF). Many low-cost fertility treatment centers are available in Delhi. Fertilization is the natural process through which an egg and sperm combine to generate an embryo/zygote/baby. IVF, on the other hand, takes the mother's eggs and the father's sperm and fertilizes them outside the body in a lab to aid couples who are having trouble getting pregnant. Moreover, the embryos grow to become stronger as a result, and their chances of implantation in the uterus improve.

Following that, the embryos are put in the mother's womb. Further, A pregnancy test will be asked to do (after 2-3 weeks).


What Can You Expect After IVF?

After you've had IVF, you'll need to do the following:

·       Rest for a few days as directed by your doctor.

·       After the embryo transfer, you will need to take progesterone on a regular basis for roughly 8 to 10 weeks.

·       Progesterone aids the embryo's implantation into the uterus by making it easier and more likely.

·       You will need to take a pregnancy test at the hospital 12 to 14 days following the transfer.

·       Light spotting, cramping, painful breasts, and other symptoms may be present.

·       If you haven't had your period in a while, it could be a symptom of pregnancy.


What Factors Influence the Cost of IVF Treatment in Delhi?

A variety of factors determine the cost of IVF treatment in Delhi. These are the following:

·       An issue with one or both couples cause infertility.

·       The cost of treating the underlying cause of infertility.

·       Medication and inquiry costs

·       Testing and screenings of the blood 


How Do I Prepare for IVF Treatment?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) can be a physically and emotionally draining procedure. To achieve the greatest outcomes, you must:

·       Choose the most appropriate period in your life to see a fertility specialist- The best age, according to reproductive medicine experts, is when you are in your early thirties, ideally under 35.

·       Recognize the money and time commitment required by the process.

·       Understand the IVF treatment and how long it can take.

·       Consult your IVF specialist about the many treatment options available for your issue.

·       Consume a nutritious and well-balanced meal that includes all of the essential elements and vitamins.

·       Begin taking prenatal vitamin supplements as directed by your doctor.

·       Maintain a healthy weight to help keep your hormones in check.

·       Decrease Caffeine and alcohol 

·       Give up smoking.


How much does IVF treatment in a fertility clinic in Delhi cost?

The best IVF centre in Delhi NCR have procedure that alone costs around Rs 1,50,000. But the entire cost may increase depending on the exact needs, with a single cycle costing around Rs 2, 30,000.


IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a kind of ART (assisted reproductive technology). Hence, it is indicated for couples who have tried for at least a year to conceive but have been unable to do so. Also, if you're looking for IVF treatment in Delhi, this is the place to go. This is going to be the best choice you've ever made. Therefore, be ready to hear the good news!

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