Top 4 Points of Modern language lab software developed by the pioneers of language labs

Posted by Joy Mondal
Oct 10, 2018

“If you are planning to install modern language laboratory then follow the essentials of the required software to meet your purpose.”

Now multimedia classrooms have been enhanced to language laboratories. Language labs are considered to be an effective learning device. The software is the key to run the language lab. The software is developed with dedicated research, meeting the demands of the user. Today’s modern language labs are provide with barrier-free interactive multimedia classroom enabled with interactive applications and digital content making the facility an ultimate teaching device.

Now modern language lab equipment in India challenge to develop lab which will be an effective tool to teach any subject delivering remarkable results. The learning applications are developed to enhance the leaning methodologies making learning enriching and interesting. Thus language laboratories are in growing demand in schools, colleges, professional institutes, and training institutes. They are also helpful to conduct promotional workshops.

Modern Interactive Applications:

Modern language lab equipment are provided with an interface embedded with interactive learning applications. These applications help the teacher to gain the sole authority to run the class with much ease and interest. Applications are provided with following attributes.

·         Record and Play facility: Teacher can record the ongoing class for future reference. Every performance of individual student gets recorded. Students can use the recorded version for better clarification and understanding of the lesson. This also saves much time and effort of the user.

·         Open Group Discussion: Teacher can select a group of students from the class and conduct group discussion to have a debate. Teacher can also increase or decrease the number of students of the group as and when required. Rest of the students of the class can only listen them without having any provision to interrupt. Interested students can press the key to send an alert to the teacher to provide them the permission to be a part of the discussion. Such activity enhance communication skill and also build confidence to speak in front of crowd or group.

·         Push to Talk: This application provides opportunity to individual student to speak in the class.

·         Closed Group Discussion: Teacher can select a group of students to conduct group discussion which will not be audible to other students of the class and therefore rest of the students can continue with their lesson.

·         One to One: Students are provided with the opportunity to have a talk with the teacher for further clarification of their doubts regarding the lesson and this conversation will not be audible to other students of the class. Therefore rest of the students can continue with their lesson without any interruption. 


Interactive Multimedia Course-ware:

Modern language lab software gave birth to interactive language laboratories. Now these laboratories are enabled with digitalized courseware compatible to audio and video aids. This value added service provide intelligent learning with interactive activities.

·         Online Content: Time based structured content in the cloud server help the teacher with available up to date content.

·         Offline Content: Now you know the teacher is provided with an interface embedded with interactive courseware compatible to audio and video aids. It is available offline so can be run available as and when required.

Interactive Delivery with System Software:

Modern language lab equipment in India develop interactive language laboratories embedded with digitalized multimedia courseware. The multimedia courseware is delivered through interactive software making learning enriching through practical applications. The interface with learning applications are innovated while treasuring the essential values of teaching methodologies.  

Evaluation of Students’ Competence:

In regular classrooms competence of students can be judged only while going through the result of the test conducted after a scheduled interval of time. Modern language lab software make immediate assessment of individual student after every questions being answered by them in the class. Students answer through polling application which gets saved and turn helpful for future reference. Thus close vigil on individual student is now possible.

The written article made you aware about the essential purpose met by modern language lab software.

Author Bio: Deepanjan is associated with renowned service provider of modern language laboratory in Kolkata which performs constant research and development over learning solutions.

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