Tips and Tricks to Clean Blinds Quickly and Efficiently

Posted by Nathan Daniel
Aug 16, 2023

How often do you pay attention to your blinds? No one cares as long as they do not show dirt and dust! Little do you know that these blinds can accumulate the maximum dirt. Do you have enough time to clean all the blinds around your house? If not, we have listed some of the best and easy ways for blind cleaning in properties:


Let us first list down things you need for effective cleaning –

  • Microfibre cloth
  • Sponges
  • Warm water
  • Soap

Another great tool to clean your blinds quickly is socks. You can dip the socks in soapy water and wear them to sweep through your blinds. Ta-da! You have clean and bright blinds! Avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia or bleach, which could damage vinyl and wood.

Close the Blinds

Begin the cleaning by lowering the blinds so that they enclose the window completely. The slats of vinyl and aluminium blinds, which frequently overlap, should be tilted downward but not completely closed for cleaning; wood and faux-wood blinds can be closed entirely. This makes it easier to see the dirt and clean them thoroughly.

Cleaning with Vacuum

Another common cleaning technique for removing dust is cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming before cleaning with soap and water is crucial, whether in your blinds or any other corner of the house. Turn your vacuum suction to the lowest setting so it doesn’t damage your delicate blinds. If you cannot handle the job independently, you can hire professional blind cleaning in Sydney.

Flip the Blinds

After completing one side cleaning, you can flip it to the other side and repeat the same cleaning process. For stubborn spots, use a microfiber cloth. The side of the blind that faces the window tends to be dirtier since it is exposed to the outdoors. Therefore, clean the other side properly.

Hire Professionals

If you do not have enough time to clean blinds, professional blind cleaners in Sydney specialise in cleaning every nook and corner of your property. Especially with blinds, they know how delicate it can be. Therefore, they are experts in the cleaning process. Leave the job to the pros, and watch your blinds shine again!

Now that you know some of the best tips and tricks to clean blinds, you can finish the job quickly. If not, you can always hire professionals to do the job.

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