Things to Consider Before Purchasing A Water Tank

Posted by Amisha Lohan
Mar 28, 2022

A constant water supply for day-to-day activity and safe drinking water is essential. Unfortunately, during the day, municipalities frequently do not provide enough water. As a result, homeowners prefer to invest in a water tank to ensure that they always have access to water.

Water is collected in a tank for easy use and access. Residential and overhead water tanks have grown popular because they provide people with water throughout the clock. In addition, rainwater is collected in water tanks, which serve as catchment tanks.

How to go about selecting the best water tank?

There are multiple things to consider before opting for a water tank, such as:


Before purchasing a water tank, it is necessary to determine its capacity. For example, a water storage tank of 500 to 600 litres is sufficient for a small family, while a tank of 700 to 1,000 litres is enough for a large family (depending on the size of the family). Households can also purchase small water tanks with capacities ranging from 100 to 300 litres.


There are many layers of plastic water storage tanks available for residential use. These various layers shield the tanks from the sun's UV rays. The additional layers include a black centre layer and food-grade layers, making it suitable for drinking water. As a result, 6 layer water tanks are the preferred option.


Water tanks in India are made of plastic, concrete, metal, fibreglass, steel, and other materials. The plastic polyethylene water tank is the most commonly used for water storage today because it is lightweight, non-corrosive, and leak-proof. Minor damage to the plastic tank can be easily repaired with a sealant. Depending on the material used to construct the water tanks, they can last for ten years or more.


Water storage tanks for homes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Vertical tanks are ideal for storing groundwater, but horizontal tanks are preferable for subsurface storage. Because rectangular and square tanks can fit in corners and make the best use of space, a vertical tank would be ideal for domestic use. Cylindrical tanks are suitable for large areas.


Storage tanks are available in various colours: black, white, green beige, and others. The use of black and green tanks is widespread because being dark shades; prevents the growth of harmful germs and ultraviolet rays.

Price & warranty

The storage size, plastic layers used, brand, state, dealer, and other factors impact the water tank. However, we have listed down a rough estimate here

     The water tank price list begins at around Rs 1,200. (for a 100-litre tank)

      A 500-litre water tank costs around Rs 3,000.

     The cost of a 700-litre water tank starts at Rs 4,500 (approximately).

      A 1000-litre water tank is priced starting at Rs 6,500.

      The cost of a 1500 ltr water tank is usually Rs 9000-10,000.

    When purchasing a water tank for your home, always go with a well-known brand that comes with a warranty.

Tips for maintaining and cleaning plastic water tanks

 Ensure the storage water tank is closed correctly to prevent contaminants or garbage from entering the house. In addition, pipe leaks should be checked regularly and repaired as soon as possible.

   Try to clean and disinfect at least twice a year, whether in single-family homes or housing complexes.

  To thoroughly clean the tank, drain the stored water rather than squandering it. Or try to put it to good use to avoid water wastage.

    If you are unable to clean the tank yourself, then it is preferable to hire professionals using high-pressure cleaning methods such as vacuuming, anti-bacterial spray, and other techniques.

We hope considering the points mentioned above and cleaning tips allow you not only to purchase the right water tank but to maintain it for decades. So ensure that you buy the best one for your home!
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