The Book of Hosea or giving up idolatry

Posted by Isabelle Esling
Feb 15, 2016

In the past, I didn't really enjoy reading the Book of Hosea in the Bible, because I used to focus very much on the prophet's life. I often thought to myself that Hashem's requests towards him were much too heavy to bear.
Now that I am having a close relationship with our Lord, I understand better that Hosea's life was a parable aimed to instruct Israel about its idolatric practices (serving Baal instead of Hashem), His forgiveness and eternal compassion.

Hosea's life: a symbolic of Israel's idolatry

Gomer, the prophet's wife is a prostitute. His marriage has been commanded by the Lord. His children carry names of rejection:Lo Ruhamah (not pitied) is the name of his daughter and Lo Ammi (not my people).

It must have been quite burdenful for Hosea to experience a relationship with an unfaithful wife, but the prophet acts in the way our Lord acts with us, with a compassionate and forgiving heart.

Hashem conquers Israel's heart once again

Israel has kept angering Hashem with its idolatry.
But here God speaks again from His heart of immense compassion:

"But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there."

One must understand that our Lord loves us with a real passion. He doesn't like losing us for foreign cults ( avoda zara, literally  "foreign work"in Hebrew).

So He will lead us to the wilderness (the desert can also be any area of silence) where He'll be able to speak to our hearts.

Staying away from pagan traditions

I recently asked our Lord for more committment towards Him and He gave me a response today that might not please everybody, but I'll share it with you anyway.

Yeshua requested from me to stay away from all added pagan traditions. 
This is also the main reason why I don't feel comfortable with Christianity anymore. Most Christian traditions are mixed up with pagan stuff.
I'd like to clearly point out that Yeshua is NOT Christianity, nor is He the "founder of Christianity". 
In Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, there is no place for syncretism. 
Yeshua doesn't agree with celebrating Christmas trees, Easter eggs, Valentine Day, Halloween , just to name a few pagan traditions that are mixed up with the Name "Jesus".
Yeshua is Jewish. Either you are following the Saint of Israel or you are following man-made idols. The choice is all up to you.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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Comments (3)
Beniamino L.

The Birds and the Bees Do it Too

Isabelle would be a great person to get to know because I would like to have her write my story. I think the book will be a best seller and we could work out a percentage.

Feb 22, 2016 Like it
Isabelle Esling

published author-certified teacher-

Thank you Ademola, may He bless you too:)

Feb 18, 2016 Like it
Ademola Kareem Oshod...

Prophet/ Evangelist

I Like This, What A Job Well done. Kuddus To Your Elbow. May God Bless You.

Feb 17, 2016 1 Like Like it
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