Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Body Contouring - Which One Is More Effective?

Posted by Durre najaf
Dec 19, 2017

There are the occasions when people cannot get the desired results through exercise and diet plan. In such situation, they need to get the procedure of body contouring. However, when you do search for the body contouring Abu Dhabi, you will get to know that you can get the procedure through both surgical and non-surgical method. Hence, it becomes difficult for you to choose which procedure is the best. Have a look at following details to know which procedure will be best for you.

Liposuction – Surgical Body Contouring Procedure

According to an estimate, liposuction is one of the most used procedures to enhance the shape of the body in all over the world. Some people have the misconception that it is the weight loss method, but in reality, the procedure is used to contour your body. The procedure is most effective and safest when you want to remove additional fat from your body. For performing the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the targeted area. After that, a cannula is inserted into the body by using the incision as a medium and fat is sucked out of the body. Various kinds of methods are utilized to perform the procedure, such as, tumescent, ultrasonic, and laser liposuction. The selection of method is performed on the basis of your issue and expected results. However, with the advancements in the procedure, the ratio of complications & side-effects is decreased.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring

If you want to get your body in a proper shape as per your desire but you don’t want to go under the knife, then the non-surgical procedure is best for you. Because of the increased popularity of liposuction and by keeping in view its success rate, medical companies and professionals have created some methods through which they can provide same results without a surgery. These non-surgical options provide an improvement in the body of a patient as per his desire. He doesn’t need to get the surgical procedure when he has a good choice without any surgery. Thermage and VelaShape are two most common non-surgical methods. Contrary to liposuction, there is no use of general anesthesia to perform the procedure. In addition to it, no incisions are required in non-surgical treatment. The procedure is performed by applying the selected device to your skin for a specific time period. The radiofrequency energy, massage rollers, a suctioning method, and infrared light are employed to your skin in order to break the fat cells and makes your skin tight. Well, you need to know the fact that one session isn’t important for getting results. You need to get almost 5-6 sessions. Furthermore, if you have less amount of fats in your skin cells then the treatment will work for you.

Final Thoughts!

On the basis of above-mentioned information, it may become easy for you to decide which procedure you should get for getting your body in a desired shape. As per experts, liposuction is the most effective procedure for body contouring as only one session is enough to get the best possible and desired results. You don’t need to get more sessions for getting final results. Hence, making a consultation with your surgeon can also be helpful for you.

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